Growing up in the coastal town of Malappuram in Kerala, Ivy Jose’s childhood was marked by the sounds of the sea. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, she developed a deep love for her coastal home as well as a strong sense of responsibility toward preserving it. Thus, Ivy was always curious and eager to learn; asking questions and seeking new ways to help her community.
First Step for a Big Goal
Ivy’s initial big milestone came about at the age of 15. At that time, she was involved in various KVK projects and programs, fostering a strong relationship with KVK officials. Soon after, in 2007, Sreelatha, a Chief Technical Officer at KVK, Njarakkal, Ernakulam District, informed Ivy about the STI HUB project under CMFRI aimed at producing fertilizer from fish waste. However, Ivy couldn't participate in the project. Nonetheless, she got a chance to observe every step of it from a distance.
In due course, she learned about the fertilizer-making process as well as the placing, grinding, and packing of fish waste. However, her dream to gain further knowledge on it was put to a halt since the observer of the project had to relocate. Based on the development, Ivy’s dream was shattered.
But she decided to not give up and started a unit to make fertilizer from waste from her house. She was determined to deliver her full potential to it. Again, Sreelatha came to her aid by informing the KVK and CMFRI about her work. The officials offered a small initial fund to Ivy for necessary materials and the facilities to sell the products at farmer gatherings and events. This led to the establishment of 'Ivy's Agro Hub,’ the name Ivy gave to her established venture. The company is currently operating near Munambam Harbor.

Notable Achievements
Ivy’s efforts bore fruit as she was selected for CMFRI's agricultural organization to address farmers' needs and issues in the year 2020-2021. In the same year, at an online meeting conducted during the lockdown, she got the opportunity to present the activities of her company. This attracted many students who came to see and learn, and Ivy's Agro Hub provided excellent training to them. In March 2024, she was honored by the CMFRI for her entrepreneurial skills in fish fertilizer production on the occasion of Women’s Day.
Challenges and Hope
Despite Ivy's persistent efforts and the support of CMFRI and KVK, her venture is yet to yield a stable income. She manages to sell only 5-10 packets of fertilizer per month. The primary obstacle hindering her success is the lack of effective marketing channels. Apart from sales through KVK and CMFRI outlets, Ivy is struggling to find other avenues to promote her product. Licensing and technical hurdles serve as an addition to the challenges she faces. Despite its effectiveness for vegetables, banana crops, and bag farming, Ivy's "Fishilizer" remains relatively unknown among farmers due to limited market awareness.
Nevertheless, Ivy finds solace in the support of her family. She says, "Being involved in waste management and earning recognition for it is a significant achievement. I could never have accomplished this if I had remained at home and not taken a step towards my dreams."
As a beneficiary of the STI HUB project, she is committed to delivering 'Fishilizer' to the market through CMFRI's ATIC sales center. With her sincere dedication, hard work, and clear sense of purpose, Ivy is hopeful that she will eventually achieve success.