This is the story of Gurudatt Singh, a 19-year-old farmer from Kurukshetra, Haryana. He earns a substantial yearly income through farming and has also established his dairy farming venture. At this young age, he stands out as a role model in the field of agriculture.
Early Years in Farming and Dairy Ventures
Singh has been involved in dairy farming for the past six years, while also tending to his seasonal crop farming practices since completing his twelfth-grade education. Managing an area of about 11 acres, Singh primarily cultivates potatoes, rice, corn, and wheat on his land.
Lucrative Dairy Farming
Singh revealed that he owns 20 animals for dairy farming, consisting of nine cows and 11 Murrah-breed buffaloes. Through his dairy farming alone, he earns up to Rs 1,00,000 per month. Additionally, Further, he shared that he recently cultivated potatoes on 8 acres of his land and practices organic farming methods for wheat cultivation to ensure better crop growth and increased yields.
Local Marketing and Profit Margins
To sell his produce, Singh depends on the town's markets and mandis to make a living. He mentioned that he owns a shop where customers directly purchase cow and buffalo milk, priced at Rs 60 per liter.
Profitable Crop Cultivation
Regarding annual profits and expenses, Singh stated that through cultivating rice on 11 acres, he earns up to Rs 9,00,000. He said that the cost per acre amounts to approximately 15,000 to 20,000 rupees. Similarly, for wheat, the cost per acre is Rs 10,000 to 15,000, generating a profit equivalent to that of the rice crop.
Hands-On Approach to Farming
Singh advised fellow farmers to work with dedication and honesty, emphasizing the importance of personal involvement in their fields rather than relying on laborers and helpers. He highlighted how hands-on involvement not only reduces costs but also enhances agricultural knowledge
Gurudatt Singh's success story stands as a testament to the potential within agriculture for those who are dedicated and willing to innovate. His journey highlights the viability of traditional farming techniques blended with modern methodologies, paving the way for a prosperous future in agriculture.