Recently the Government of India has issued a fresh set of guidelines for its officials and staffers to help them prevent covid-19 spread. These latest set of guidelines have been issued after various covid-19 cases were reported from Central Government Ministries/Departments. Adding to it, the circular released by the government said that some of these braveheart employees have even lost their lives.
The Government Circular said:
"The number of COVID-19 positive cases are going up rapidly. Many officials in various central government ministries/department have been tested COVID-19 positive. Some have lost their lives to this pandemic. Therefore, it is the duty of every officer to protect themselves & each other and help prevent further spread of the diseases.”
What are the fresh guidelines of government?
The circular mentions that only asymptomatic staff shall be allowed in office & anyone with a mild cold/cough or fever needs to stay at home.
It also said that officers/staff living in the containment zone will not come to office and work from home till containment zone is de-notified.
It added in a day, only 20 staff/officers will be allowed to attend office.
It asked offices to make roster according to it. The remaining staff will continue to work from home.
Under Secretaries/Deputy Secretaries, if they are sharing a cabin, then they will come alternate day to follow social distancing. The Section shall not have more than two officials at a time.
Staggering office hours will be followed to make sure not more than 20 staff in any given time in the office.
As much as possible, windows will be kept open for proper ventilation in halls.
All the employees must wear face masks & face shields at all times inside the office premises.
The disciplinary action will be taken on throwing gloves or masks in open or in normal waste bins. General Section will inform housekeeping about norms for disposal of such waste.
Used masks and gloves must be discarded carefully in yellow colour biomedical waste bins only.
Strict action will be taken on those throwing gloves or masks in open or in normal waste bins, added the circular.
Face-to-face meetings/discussions/interactions should be avoided as much as possible. Officers/staff must use intercom/phone/VC for interactions.