Fruits are an important part of a healthy eating pattern and a good source of required vitamins and minerals. Fruits are also acknowledged for their vital role in the prevention of diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A and vitamin C. Fruits also provide a vast range of health-boosting antioxidants.
Historical Background:
In April 2007, former students of social work from the University of Applied Science Alice Salomon in Berlin came together talking about their fields of profession and the spheres of action. After discussion, they came to an outcome to bring people and organizations together with a basic social subject: 'Sharing a meal'.
Furthermore, this idea has developed under the aspect of sustainability and became even more clearer. Sharing and eating fruits/vegetables together was soon made up to 'International Fruit Day' which is observed July 1st every year.
First time the International Fruit Day commemorated on July 1st 2007 at the Mauerpark in Berlin, Germany where boundaries had fallen 1989. Fruitcakes as well as fresh fruit bits and bites were distributed to more than 400 guests by Britta, Credo, Stefan, Susanne and Christian. These people shared it with their friends, partners or children.
Significance of the Day:
United Nations also announced 2021 as 'International Year of Fruits and Vegetables' to increase more awareness on the nutritional and health benefits as well as lessening losses and waste in food systems across the globe.
The best and most fruitful thought to mark this International Fruit Day originated from the will to create a worldwide festival day for people of any culture, nation, mentality, religion and way of life.
The main purpose of this day is to share fruits in joy and sympathy with family- members, friends, or needy people as this day addresses all people who create and preserve positive- living conditions.
Fruit of the Year 2021: 'Watermelon'
United Nations has declared 'Watermelon' as the "Fruit Of The Year 2021" with the motto to "Create Change Together".
Watermelon plant is rooted and thrives along the ground and has numerous benefits along with its seeds. This plant originates from Central Africa and grow well in warm countries across the world. In the early times, it was brought to the Mediterranean regions and South Asia but right now is produced almost around the planet.
Top 3 Superfruits:
‘Superfruits’ are those fruits that Nutrition Scientists have considered ‘super’ as they have high amount of antioxidants, fibre, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which will help you live longer and feel better. We have discussed below some important ‘Superfruits’ that you can add to your plate from today itself and enjoy its health benefits:
1. Blueberries:
Bluberries are sweet, nutritious and low in calories. They are amongst the most nutrient-dense berries with high fibre-content, vitamin C and vitamin K and antioxidants. The main antioxidant compound of blueberries are thought to be responsible for many of its acclaimed health benefits.
2. Pomegranate:
Pomegranates are famous for their anti-inflammatory properties, having the potential to help fight prostate cancer, breast cancer and in reducing blood pressure levels. That's why there's no reason not to include this deliciously juicy fruit into your diet as it possess numerous other health benefits too.
3. Lychees:
Lychees are known for their sweet and flowery flavour. Many prefer to eat them fresh or drink their fresh juice as they are rich in antioxidants and contain several nutrients and antioxidants which are essential for overall health and wellbeing.
Taste every fruit of every tree at least once in a lifetime. You can start a new healthier lifestyle just by shifting your diet to include more fresh fruits into your diet.