Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has invited online applications for the position of Food Safety Officer at the Telangana Institute of Preventive Medicine Public Health Laboratories & Food (Health) Administration. Eligible individuals can apply for the positions on the official website beginning July 29.
The deadline for submitting online applications is August 26 at 5:00 PM. The hall ticket will be available seven days before the examination. The examination (objective kind) will most likely take place in November.
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post- Food Safety Officer In the Institute of Preventive Medicine Public Health Laboratories & Food (Health) Administration
Pay Scale- Rs. 42,300- 1,15,270/-
Required Educational Qualification-
A degree in Food Technology Dairy Technology Biotechnology Oil Technology Agricultural Science Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry Microbiology or Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a recognized University.
Any other equivalent / recognized qualification notified by the Central Government.
Age Limit-The candidates should possess a minimum of 18 years & Maximum of 44 years.
Minimum Age (18 years): An Applicant should not be born after 01/07/2004.
Maximum Age (44 years): An applicant should not be born before 02/07/1978.
Application Processing Fee: Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) towards Online Application Processing Fee.
Examination Fee: The applicants have to pay RS. 80/- (Rupees Eighty Only) towards Examination Fee.
a) All unemployees are exempted from payment of examination fee, and
b) All Employees of any Government (Central / State / PSUs / Corporations / Other Government sectors) have to pay the prescribed examination fee.
Required Documentation
Aadhar Card /Voter ID / Pass Port / Driving License / Service ID Cards with (Photograph issued by Central/State/PSU/Public Limited Companies) / Passbook with (photograph by Bank / Post Office) / PAN Card. Educational Qualifications i.e., SSC, Intermediate, Degree, Post Graduation, etc.,
Study (Bonafide) / Residence Certificate (1st to 7th Class period).
Community Certificate (SC/ST/BC), Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in case of BCs issued by the competent authority of Telangana Government.
Income certificate for the Financial Year prior to the year of application issued by the competent authority of the Telangana Government for claiming EWS reservation.
Certificates claiming Sports & PH reservation, and age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen.
Read the official notification to know more.