Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world taking only second place to water. The tea plant is an evergreen shrub that provides black, white, yellow, and green tea. It is the leaves and leaf buds that are commonly used to produce the tea.
The difference in taste is how they are processed and how long the leaves are left on the shrub before harvesting. The tea plant can live anywhere between 30 and 50 years. All tea originates from one of two important sub-species, either the Assam type (Camelia Sinensis Assamica) or China type (Camelia Sinensis Sinensis).
tea plant can be effective as an herbal treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, infection and impaired immune function associated with HIV. The tea plant is effective in lowering the blood sugar levels.
High concentrations of blood sugar affect the vascular system and can lead to atherosclerosis and retinal hemorrhages. Tea and tea extract contain caffeine. Caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability, upset stomach, nausea or frequent urination in some people.
In extremely high doses, caffeine can raise blood pressure, cause seizures, delirium, or irregular heart rhythms.