SSC recruitment 2022: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the official notification for the post of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the Posts through the official website - ssc.nic.in.
All the details related to SSC Recruitment like Important Dates, Salary Details, Age Limit, How to Apply etc are mentioned in this article. Candidates can also apply through the direct link given below.
Important Dates
Start Date for Apply Online :20, July2022
Last Date for Apply Online :04, August2022
Name of Post and Pay Scale
As per the official notification, SSC has not released the number of vacancies may be Updated Soon.
Junior Translator in Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS)
Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Junior Translator in M/o Railways (Railway Board)
Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Junior Translator in Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ)
Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Junior Translator (JT)/ Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) insubordinate offices who have adopted Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHT
Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)
Senior Hindi Translator in various Central Government Ministries/Departments/Offices
Level-7(Rs.44900- 142400)
Age Limit:
Maximum Age: 18 Years.
Maximum Age: 30 Years.
Age Relaxation
SC/ ST- 5 years
OBC- 3 years
PwD (Unreserved)- 10 years
PwD (OBC)-13 years
PwD (SC/ST)-15 years
Ex-Servicemen (ESM)-03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of application.
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST) 8 years
Educational Qualification
Master Degree in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a Compulsory Subjects OR Master Degree in Any Subject with English Medium and Hindi as a Compulsory Subject in Degree Level and Recognized Diploma Course in Translation from Hindi to English Vice Verca or 2 Year Experience.
Senior Hindi Translator in Various Department
Master Degree in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a Compulsory Subjects OR Master Degree in Any Subject with English Medium and Hindi as a Compulsory Subject in Degree Level and Recognized Diploma Course in Translation from Hindi to English Vice Verca or 3 Year Experience.
Application Fee
General / OBC / EWS: 100/-
SC / ST / PH / Female: 0/- (Nil)
Pay the Examination Fee Through Net Banking, Debit / Credit Card or Through E Challan Mode of State Bank of India.
How to Apply
Visit the official website: ssc.nic.in
Click on 'Register now' under the login section for one-time registration
Login to the SSC portal using your login credentials i.e., User name and password
Fill in the application form and upload all the scanned documents
Pay application fee and submit the form
Take a printout of the form for future records.