For those who passed the preliminary test, the State Bank of India has published the SBI Clerk Mains Admit Card for 2022. On January 2, 2023, SBI made the Clerk's prelims results and Mains admit card available.
Candidates who passed the SBI Clerk preliminary exam must now show up for the Mains exam. Candidates can also use the URL provided below or the official website at sbi.co.in to download their admit cards. SBI Clerk Mains Exam Date 2022 and other important information can be found here.
SBI Clerk Mains Exam Date 2023
The SBI Clerk Mains exam for 2023 will take place on January 15, 2023. The SBI Clerk Mains 2023 exam date has not yet been made public, however, the period for downloading the admit card is open till January 15.
To confirm the day and time of the exam, candidates should check their SBI Clerk mains admit card 2022. The SBI Clerk's admit card and a valid ID must be presented at the exam location. To download your admit card from the official website, follow the instructions below.
SBI Clerk Mains 2022 Admit Card link
SBI Clerk Mains Admit Card 2023: How to download
Visit the official website at sbi.co.in.
Select the Careers tab from the homepage that appears.
Now, click on the SBI Clerk mains admit card link
A new login page would open
Enter your date of birth and registration number.
Submit details and access the IBPS login
Check and download the admit card
Take a printout for future references
General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and Computer Aptitude subjects are included in the SBI Clerk Mains exam.
Two stages are included in the SBI Clerk Recruitment process. Preliminary and main exams make up Stage 1, while the Language Proficiency Test (LPT) constitutes Stage 2.
To qualify for the Language Proficiency round, candidates must pass both the preliminary test and the main exam rounds.