RRB ALP Aptitude Test 2019: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the exam city details, travel pass for RRB ALP Aptitude Test 2019 today. The exam city, travel pass for Computer Based Aptitude Test and scorecard will be available on the official sites today on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 from 4 pm onwards till April 16, 2019 11.55pm.
However, along with this, RRB is expected to release RRB ALP Aptitude Test Admit Card 2019 anytime soon. The admit card will also be available on the official sites of regional RRBs.
RRB will conduct RRB ALP Aptitude Test 2019 on April 16, 2019. Interestingly, it is the last and final stage of the recruitment process after the aptitude test (AT) and document verification (DV) candidates who are medically fit. Then, the shortlisted candidates will be recruited in Indian railways.
The aptitude test will be a Computer Based Aptitude Test. According to the notice released by RRB, the Computer-Based Aptitude Test will have a Test Battery comprising of five tests and the candidates will have to secure a minimum T-Score of 42 in each test of the test battery to qualify for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot. This is compulsory to all candidates and no relaxation is allowed on any ground.
There will also be no negative marking in Computer-Based Aptitude Test. It will have questions and answer options only. The paper will be bilingual-English and Hindi.
RRB ALP Aptitude Test 2019: Direct Link for Exam City, Travel Pass
RRB ALP Aptitude Test 2019: Important Documents
Matriculation/high school examination
Education qualification documents certificate or equivalent
Caste certificate
Photocopy of both sides of Aadhaar Card
Income certificate for EWS candidates
Medical certificate for PwDcandidates
Self-certification of transgenders
Divorce/death of spouse certificate
Ex-serviceman employment certificate