What is Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)?
PMJDY is a National Mission for Financial Inclusion for ensuring access to financial services, like, Banking or Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner.
How you can open account in PM Jan-Dhan Yojana?
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana account can be opened in any bank branch or Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet. Accounts opened under PMJDY have been opened with Zero balance. But, if the account-holder wishes to get cheque book, he/she will have to fulfill minimum balance criteria.
What are the Documents required to open an account in PMJDY?
One can easily open account by presenting an officially valid document which are as follows:
The passport,
Driving licence,
Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card,
The Voter’s Identity Card issued by Election Commission of India,
Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government,
The letter issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India containing details of name, address & Aadhaar number, or
Any other document which is notified by the Central Government in consultation with the Regulator:
Given that where simplified measures are applied for verifying the identity of the clients the following documents shall be deemed to be officially valid documents-
Identity card with applicant's Photograph issued by Central/State Government Departments,
Statutory/Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, & Public
Financial Institutions;
The letter issued by a Gazetted officer, with a duly attested photograph of the person.
What are the Special Benefits under PMJDY Scheme?
Interest on deposit.
Accidental insurance cover of Rs. 2 lakhs.
No minimum balance is required.
Life cover of Rs. 30,000/- payable on death of the beneficiary, which is subject to fulfillment of the eligibility condition.
The PMJDY provides Easy Transfer of money across India
Beneficiaries of Government Schemes will get Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in these accounts.
After satisfactory operation of the account for 6 months, an overdraft facility will be allowed.
Scheme also provides access to Pension & insurance products.
The Claim under Personal Accidental Insurance under the scheme will be payable if the Rupay Card holder have performed minimum 1 successful financial/non-financial customer induced transaction at any Bank Branch, Bank Mitra, ATM, POS, E-COM etc. Channel both Intra & Inter-bank i.e. on-us (Bank Customer/rupay card holder transacting at same Bank channels) and off-us (Bank Customer/Rupay card holder transacting at other Bank Channels) within 90 days prior to date of accident including accident date will be included as eligible transactions under the Rupay Insurance Program 2019-2020.
Overdraft facility upto Rs. 10,000/- is available in only one account per household, which is preferably lady of the household.
Now the good news, the central government has started transferring money to Jan Dhan accounts, amid lockdown. Most account holders (jan dhan bank account holders) still visit their bank branch to find out the balance. But in the covid-19 lockdown, it is not possible for people to go to the bank & know their balance. In such a situation, one can check the balance of their account by just making a missed call.
How SBI customers can check their PMJDY balance?
A special facility has been started by State Bank of India for its customers. Any Jan Dhan account holder can know the balance of the account simply by dialling 18004253800 or 1800112211. The customer has to call on this number from his registered mobile number. After calling, you will get information about the last 5 transactions & also your account balance. Besides, you can also take all these information by calling 9223766666 from your registered mobile number.
PNB account holders can check their Jan-Dhan balance by:
PNB account holders can give a missed call on 18001802223 or 01202303090 from their registered mobile number. After giving the missed call, you will receive the message of your account balance. Besides, you can also send SMS to BAL (space) 16 digit number number 5607040 & receive all the details.
Bank of India customers can check their PM Jan-Dhan Scheme balance:
Bank of India customers can give a missed call on 09015135135 to know the balance. After a few minutes, a message will come to your phone showing your PMJDY account balance.
OBC bank customers can check their PM Jan-Dhan Yojana balance:
OBC bank customers can simply give a missed call from their registered mobile number on 8067205767. They can also use the toll free number 1800-180-1235 and talk to the customer care to check the balance.
Indian Bank customers can know their PMJDY account balance:
The customers can call on 180042500000 from their registered mobile number. They can also know the balance of their account by calling on 9289592895.
How to register your phone number with PM Jan-Dhan Account Scheme?
If you are a Jan Dhan account holder & your phone number is still not registered with the bank. Then, you need not worry. You can simply register your mobile number with the PMJDY account by sending a message on 09223488888. For this, you have to send REG Account Number.
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