An iconic foot-over bridge between Ellis Bridge and Sardar Bridge built near Sabarmati Riverfront will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi today i.e., August 27.
Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a famous footbridge built near the Sabarmati Riverfront that connects the Ellis and Sardar bridges.
This 300-meter bridge connects the east and west side of the Sabarmati Riverfront.
Construction of a foot-over bridge between Ellis Bridge and Sardar Bridge would be an additional attraction with the interest of tourists and visitors in mind.
According to a statement "this bridge will give connectivity to multi-level parking and diverse public projects on East and West Bank from plaza between Flower Park and Event Ground at West Bank to projected Art / Cultural / Exhibition Centre on East Bank."
The bridge, which is exceptional in both its technical and aesthetic design, will elevate the Riverfront and the city as a whole and turn it into an engineering marvel.
Last week, as India celebrated its 75th year of independence, Ahmedabad's well-known tourist destination Sabarmati Riverfront reached a decade old.
Additionally, the prime minister will dedicate the "Veer Balak Memorial" in the Kutchian village of Anjar on Sunday.
During January 26, 2001, earthquake in Gujarat, 185 schoolchildren and 20 instructors who were attending a rally in the Kutch town of Anjar, were buried under the wreckage of surrounding buildings. The world was aware of the sorrow of this situation. Narendra Modi, who was the chief minister at the time, declared that a memorial will be built in honor of these kids. The Prime Minister will inaugurate this memorial when it is finished outside of Anjar city.
The building of this memorial was finished under the direction of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. At the inauguration, 100 members of the deceased's family are invited.