Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the Grameen Bharat Mahotsav 2025 today, January 4, at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi. The event celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit and cultural richness of rural India and runs from January 4 to 9 under the theme "Building a Resilient Rural India for a Viksit Bharat 2047" with the motto “गांव बढ़े, तो देश बढ़े” (When Villages Prosper, the Nation Prospers).
The Mahotsav aims to strengthen rural infrastructure, foster innovation, and create self-reliant economies. Through a series of workshops, discussions, and masterclasses, the event seeks to address key issues such as financial inclusion and sustainable agricultural practices, with a special focus on North-East India. Empowering rural women through entrepreneurship is a central objective, alongside promoting collaboration among government officials, thought leaders, artisans, and rural entrepreneurs to drive collective transformation.
This initiative also highlights leveraging technology to enhance rural livelihoods while celebrating India’s cultural diversity through performances and exhibitions. The festival’s broader goals include improving economic stability and ensuring financial security for rural communities, contributing to the vision of a developed India by 2047.
Earlier on January 3, several major projects were inaugurated and foundation stones were laid in Delhi. These included housing for the economically weaker sections, educational institutions, and urban redevelopment projects like the World Trade Centre at Nauroji Nagar and Type-II General Pool Residential Accommodation at Sarojini Nagar. Additionally, over Rs. 600 crore was invested in three development projects at Delhi University.
Highlighting India’s progress, Modi remarked, "India today symbolizes political and economic stability globally." He emphasized 2025 as a pivotal year for transforming the country into the world’s largest manufacturing hub, setting new agricultural benchmarks, and fostering youth-led start-ups and entrepreneurship.
He also stressed the importance of women-led development and enhancing the quality of life through improved ease of living.