Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Grameen Bharat Mahotsav 2025 at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on January 4. The event, which runs until January 9, is being held under the theme “Building a Resilient Rural India for a Viksit Bharat 2047” with the motto “गांव बढ़े, तो देश बढ़े” (When Villages Prosper, the Nation Prospers).
In his address, Prime Minister Modi underscored the government's commitment to rural India, highlighting key policy decisions aimed at strengthening the agricultural sector and ensuring prosperity in rural areas.
Addressing Rising DAP Prices and Rural Welfare
“While the price of DAP (Diammonium Phosphate) is soaring globally, we have made a conscious decision to shield our farmers from the rising costs. By increasing subsidies, we have successfully stabilized the price of DAP,” said Modi.
He added, “The policies and decisions of our government are empowering rural India with new energy. Since 2014, my primary focus has been on the welfare of rural India. Providing a dignified life to the people of the villages has been our government's top priority.”
PM Modi emphasized that the vision of his government is to create more opportunities for rural communities so that migration to cities becomes unnecessary. He said, “We want to make life easier for people in villages, and to achieve this, we have launched a campaign guaranteeing basic facilities in every village. Our vision is to empower rural India by transforming villages into vibrant centres of growth and opportunity.”
The Prime Minister also referred to a recent State Bank of India report which highlighted a remarkable decrease in rural poverty. According to the report, rural poverty in India had decreased from 26% in 2012 to less than 5% by 2024.
Prime Minister Modi further noted that rural India’s identity is rooted in harmony and mutual respect. He warned against forces seeking to divide communities in the name of caste and disrupt social harmony. "We must thwart these conspiracies and preserve the shared heritage and culture of our villages, which continue to strengthen the nation," he said.
Grameen Bharat Mahotsav's Objectives
The Grameen Bharat Mahotsav aims to highlight the entrepreneurial spirit and cultural richness of rural India. The event focuses on fostering rural infrastructure, innovation, and self-reliant economies. Through workshops, discussions, and masterclasses, the Mahotsav will address critical issues such as financial inclusion and sustainable agricultural practices.
Special attention will be given to the North-East region, where the government aims to empower rural women through entrepreneurship. The Mahotsav will also promote collaboration between government officials, thought leaders, artisans, and rural entrepreneurs to drive collective transformation and make rural India a key contributor to a developed India.
The event provides a platform for sharing best practices and ideas that can help create a more resilient and prosperous rural India.
Our vision is to empower rural India by transforming villages into vibrant centres of growth and opportunity. Addressing the Grameen Bharat Mahotsav in Delhi.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 4, 2025