On its official website, the Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has posted the answer key and exam cutoff scores for the position of Assistant Agricultural Engineer. Applicants who passed the written test for the position of Assistant Agricultural Engineer against Advt. No. 03 of 2022–23 are eligible to participate in the document verification phase.
For the Associate Agriculture Engineer recruitment procedure, 102 positions were made available. The candidates will be chosen depending on how well they perform in the written exam and interview rounds.
All of these applicants who registered for the Assistant Agricultural Engineer written exam may access the answer key and cutoff scores on the official OPSC website, opsc.gov.in.
The Commission has posted on its official website the scores attained by applicants for the position of Assistant Agricultural Engineer. With the URL provided below, you can instantly download your grades.
You must enter your login information, which includes your Name of the Recruitment/Advt. No./Roll No./PPSAN No. and Date of Birth, on the link located on the front page in order to download the marks for the position of Assistant Agriculture Engineer.
OPSC AAE 2023: How to Download?
The cutoff scores of the candidates who qualified for the document verification round have also been released by the commission. You can view the final applicants' highest and lowest marks.
Candidates need to visit OPSC’s Website. i.e. opsc.gov.in.
Click on the link-Answer Key & Cut Off Marks of Written Exam and Interview held for Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Agriculture Engineer (Advt. No. 03 of 2022-23)
You will now be able to check your marks for the Written Examination and Interview.
The link is active and available from 04.04.2023 to 04.05.2023 on the home page.
You will get the PDF of the answer key in a new window.
Download and save the PDF it for future reference.
OPSC AAE 2023: Salaries
OPSC Assistant Agriculture Engineer Salaries ranges from Rs. 9300 to Rs. 34800, providing candidates with a strong opportunity to land a position in the government.