Seventeen farmers, seventeen States and seventeen brands at one Farmer the Brand event organized exclusively by Krishi Jagran, country’s leading agriculture media house. Don’t miss the chance to meet farmers from different states on December 20, 2020 at 11:00 AM on Facebook live page of Krishi Jagran.
Krishi Jagran every Sunday organizes the ‘FTB’ (Farmer the Brand) program with the aim to provide an opportunity to the farmers to showcase their brand to the world. This is the most innovative way in which farmers can tell people about them and their products.
When farmers will come up as a brand, it will decrease the dependence on middle man and promote quality products of farmers among the customers directly. Hence, Krishi Jagran has invited all the progressive farmers across India to join this forum and turn their quality products into a brand. Through this live platform, farmers will get the golden opportunity to showcase their products in front of world.
To participate in ‘Farmer the Brand’, contact Krishi Jagran team and create a brand name of your own. For Participation e-mail us at [email protected]