LPG Gas Subsidy: In the face of growing inflation, the central government has given gas cylinder users a generous gift. On May 21, the government stated that a Rs 200 subsidy for home gas cylinders would be available once more. Every year, a household will receive a subsidy on 12 14.2 kg cylinders. Customers would have to pay market prices for cylinders, but they will receive a subsidy of Rs 200.
How to Check Subsidy Status?
Every month, the government adjusts the price of gas cylinders (LPG gas cylinder price). Indane, HP, and Bharat Gas customers can verify whether or not the subsidy has arrived in their accounts. There's no need to go to the bank to get your money, you can check the status online. Here’s how:
For Indane customers:
To start, type www.mylpg.in into the URL bar.
The photo of gas cylinders from gas companies will appear on the right site when you visit the page. Select your service provider by clicking on their photo.
Click 'Give your feedback online' when the window opens.
The next page will appear, prompting you to click on the cylinder mark.
On the following screen, select 'Subsidy Related (PAHAL)'; three alternatives will show.
Select 'Subsidy not received' from the drop-down menu.
The following screen will appear, prompting you to enter your registered mobile number or LPG ID and submit.
Here you will find information on how much money you paid for the last five cylinders and how much money you received in return.
If the subsidy is not received then you can register your complaint below by clicking on the 'select' option.
For HP and Bharat Gas Customers:
Go to www.mylpg.in.
On the right, tap the photo of gas cylinders from gas companies.
On the following page, you must register. Users who are creating an account for the first time must select 'new user.'
Click 'proceed' after entering the customer number and registered mobile number.
By generating a User ID and Password, click on 'Sign in.'
Enter the captcha code, User ID, and Password into the 'Login' box.
'View cylinder booking history' is located on the left side.
The amount of money you spent on the cylinder and the amount of money you received will be displayed.
If you do not receive a subsidy, you can file a complaint at complaint/feedback.
How to Apply for Subsidies?
If you are not receiving the LPG subsidy, it could be due to the lack of an Aadhar-LPG link. The cost of LPG is subsidized differently in each state. Those with a yearly income of ten lakh rupees or more are not eligible for a subsidy. This annual income of Rs 10 lakh is the sum of both husband and wife's earnings.