Today is the first day of August. As we know, the price of LPG gas changes on the very first day of every month. But however, this time there is no price change in any metro city except Kolkata for this month, says reports.There has also been a slight change in the price of 14 kg cylinders in Kolkata.
LPG price: No change in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai
According to the information available on the website of Indian Oil, the price of LPG cylinder in Kolkata in the month of July was Rs 620.50 which has now increased to Rs 621. If we look at the other metro cities,14 kg cylinder is priced at Rs 594 in Mumbai, Rs 594 in Mumbai and Rs 610.50 in Chennai. The price in these three metros was the same in the month of July.
Minor Change in Price of 19 kg Cylinder
The price of 19 kg cylinder is Rs 1135.50 in Delhi, Rs 1198.50 in Kolkata, Rs 1091 in Mumbai and Rs 1253 in Chennai. It has changed slightly compared to the month of July. In July, the price of 19 kg gas cylinder was Rs 1135.50 in Delhi, Rs 1197.50 in Kolkata, Rs 1090.50 in Mumbai and Rs 1255 in Chennai.

How to Check LPG subsidy status at home?
Follow These Steps to Know Subsidy Status;
First, go to Mylpg.in website.
The home page of the website will have a tab (with picture) of three LPG cylinder companies. You have to select your company (whose cylinder is taken). If you take a cylinder of Indane gas, click on its tab. A new interface will open to check whether subsidy came. Go to the bar menu and click on 'Give your feedback online'. Fill your mobile number, LPG consumer ID, state name, distributor information.
After this, click on 'Feedback Type'.Select the 'Complaint' option and click the 'Next' button. Your bank details will be revealed in the new interface. Details will find out whether the subsidy amount came into the account or not.
Source – Navbharat times