With the introduction of camel milk ice cream, people will get to enjoy not only the healthy benefits of camel milk but the creamy goodness of ice cream as well. Children who are allergic to products made from cow's milk can now enjoy the taste of ice cream. Camel milk ice cream is also safe for people who are suffering from lactose intolerance. You can eat as much ice cream as you want without gaining weight. I'm sure this product will sell. However, I've never tasted camel milk before. I hope it doesn't taste bad, To all those who love ice cream but are concerned about the extra pounds they might gain, worry no more. A new, healthy summer snack has hit the local market for the first time: camel milk ice cream. One of the leading dairy firms in the UAE has introduced the country's first natural low fat ice cream made from camel milk. Al Ain Dairy launched the new product which is set to be a healthy alternative for people with a sweet tooth to satisfy their craving.
Enzo La Blunda, an Italian chef and ice cream specialist, according to the company, is supervising the manufacturing process "to ensure that each pack of camel milk ice cream has passed the quality standards of the firm.
Today, camel milk is easily available in the grocery stores across the Middle East, and with good reason too, as camel milk has been linked to a number of health benefits for humans.
Science has determined that milk, referred to as ‘white gold,’ can help with cholesterol levels, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis, autism, Crohn’s disease and more!
To start, it has been suggested, through scientific research that the consumption of camel milk can help prevent diabetes, a rising issue amongst many Middle Eastern residents who follow poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles.

Camel milk is said to be effective in reducing levels of glycated haemoglobin, which contributes to the glucose levels in the blood, particularly those diagnosed with diabetes.
It is said that camel milk has shown insulin-like molecules, therefore, the consumption of camel milk can reduce the insulin dosage that is required for diabetes patients.
Aside from the benefits that camel milk has on diabetes patients, this liquid gem also has large amounts of antibodies and enzymes such as lactoperoxidase, which help protect against a number of infections.
Camel milk has also been deemed beneficial for cholesterol control and anemia as it has a high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acid, both of which can reduce harmful forms of cholesterol in the blood.
Camel milk is also high in mineral and vitamin content, as it has a high content of vitamin C and anti-colon cancer content.
Although camel milk is not usually the first choice for those looking to consume a dairy product, it is much healthier and safer to consume than cow’s milk as it has more benefits and less fat content.
Camel milk in India the tastiest and freshest. To bring the product to the market through a smoother channel, where it could help both, the herders by making the market recognize their product and second, general public by bringing them camel milk and camel milk products.

Camel milk has been mentioned about, in ancient medicinal practices as well, stating its healing powers. It has many proteins which have proven to increase the immunity of human body, which is absent in cow milk or found in very rare quantities. Also, camel milk in autism and diabetes has proven to control and even restructure the ailment behaviour. It also has a stable glycemic control. Sadly due to less freight channels and support, transportation of camel milk was a daring task.
With an idea to serve people the next super food in the world, Aadvik Foods laid its foundation in the CPG industry with its flagship product - Camel Milk. We are the first, best in its class company, to provide this God sent nectar to each and every Indian household. With your health and nutrition as our prime consideration, we at Aadvik Foods, put in our best efforts to bring you camel milk, unadulterated, totally safe for you and your dear ones.
Aadvik Foods as a project runs to dissipate the gap between the camel milk and its consumers. It solely targets to build a bridge between herders and the market. It has been ensured that all the camel milk is pasteurized and made fit for drinking. Knowing about the perishable nature of camel milk, it’s packaged and stored under definite parameters to ensure longer shelf life ,so people who buy camel milk online do not face any issues.

ICAR-National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner celebrated its 35th foundation day Dr. O.P. Yadav, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur, Chief Guest of the event, applauded NRCC for exploring the new potential of camels in establishing alternate utilities like use of Camel milk in autism, technology of production of camel milk powder by lyophilisation and providing new mean of income augmentation for camel herders by managing camel as a dairy animal with value addition to camel milk. He also launched ‘Karabh – Freeze Dried Camel Milk Powder’ for consumers and also released Centre’s technical bulletin on camel handling.
Dr. N.K. Gupta, District Collector, Bikaner, Special Guest appreciated role of NRCC of having developed technology of freeze drying powder which guarantees extended shelf life for camel milk up to a year and hoped that it will help in growth in Camel population by establishing camel milk trade.
Dr. B. Prakash, Assistant Director General, suggested to utilize camels for ecotourism purpose and exhibition of the obedience activities of camel can be source of additional income for the camel farmer.
Dr. A.K. Purohit, former Director of extension, SKRAU, Bikaner and Dr. A.K. Gahlo, formerVice Chancellor, RAJUVAS also expressed confidence that the human medicinal utility aspect of Camel milk and immunology is being rightly addressed by NRCC team and need follow up.
Dr. N.V. Patil, Director, NRCC briefed about welfare activities of centre in reaching out to camel herders and supporting them for formation of a registered cooperative society—named ‘Shri Degrai Ushtra Sanrak shan Avam Dugdh Vitaran Vikas Sewa Semiti, Sanwata’ of Jaisalmer district for initiating milk trade activities.
The members of the society were honoured on this occasion and awards were also distributed to the winners of camel milk competition, Camel racing and Dance activity.
The interactive meet of scientists and Camel herders cum training programme for TSP area camel farmers was also organized to know the issues of forming and successful working of FPOs.
More than 40 farmers from TSP areas of Sirohi districts and disadvantaged district Jaisalmer participated in the event.