Jharkhand Academic Council, JAC, is expected to release Class 10th and 12th results soon. According to reports, the board's evaluation process is in full swing, and the conducting body will announce the results most probably next week.
Students who are eagerly awaiting their Jharkhand Class 10th and 12th results can check their scorecards on the official website of JAC—jacresults.com—once they are released.
Students should also keep in mind that, every year, JAC 10th 12th Result 2022 dates are subject to change. The Council usually releases both results within 1-2 days of each other, and this year is expected to follow the same pattern for Jharkhand Board Results 2022.
According to several media reports, the Jharkhand Board Class 12th results are expected to be released in the second week of June 2022.
In terms of timing, JAC is expected to release the 12th results on June 15th. The wait for 7 lakh students will be over once the results are announced. While Jharkhand board class 10th results may be released after June 15th. JAC 10th and 12th examinations began in March 2022 for students.
While JAC has not issued an official statement on these findings, reports indicate that the evaluation is nearing completion. They also state that JAC result 2022 evaluation work began around May 20, 2022.
Students are encouraged to visit the official website of JAC.
Class 10 exams were held between March 24 and April 20, 2022, and class 12 exams were held between March 24 and April 25, 2022. Please return here for more information on JAC Results.
Websites to check JAC 10th, 12th Result 2022