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Israeli start -up 'Better Juice' Reduces Sugar in Orange Juice

Good news for the diabetic people all over the world, the orange juice with reduced sugar is available in the market.

Chander Mohan

Good news for the diabetic people all over the world, the orange juice with reduced sugar is available in the market.

The energy in the fruit juices is due to the sugar content. Although orange juice is high in sugar, it contains less sugar than grape and apple juice. At 33 grams per 12 ounces serving, it falls slightly behind Coca-Cola. However, a glass of soda contains about 145 calories, while a glass of orange juice has 165 calories. So while you’re saving about 2 teaspoons of sugar, you’re still getting more calories overall with orange juice. 

As orange juice is full of vitamins and minerals, it’s also packed with sugar – one serving contains almost 1 ounce of the stuff. Plus, the juicing process leaves the juice devoid of the natural fiber found in the whole fruit, so that healthy-feeling glass of OJ isn’t actually as good for us. Jaffa oranges have long since been one of the most famous Israeli export products. 

The "Better Juice" an Israeli start-up wanted to solve. The 4-person, Ashdod-based enterprise collaborated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to develop an innovative technology that reduces the load of simple sugars in 100 percent orange juice without taking away the all-orangey taste of the drink. 

The innovation is in having a solution to reduce all types of sugar in juices with a cost-effective technology, without altering the other juice ingredients. Using non-GMO micro-organisms with a sustainable technology,” Eran Blachinsky, Better Juice’s founder and CEO, explained.

One cannot reduce sugars without reducing sweetness,” Blachinsky admits. “The bio-converted molecules and the dietary fibers have some sweetness – less than sugar, but still sweet. Therefore, bio-converting all the sugars doesn’t eliminate the sweetness, it only reduces it. 

The fruit juice contains a high amount of sugar in the form of fructose. Your body cannot distinguish between sugar from fruits and sugar from candy. Once you’ve consumed sugar, it’s all processed the same way. To avoid health problems later in life, be aware of what juices contain the most sugar so you can moderate how much you drink. 

The company’s patent-pending enzymatic technology uses natural ingredients to convert simple sugars like fructose, glucose and sucrose into non-digestible fibers and sugars. These, according to Better Juice, have been shown to have a number of health benefits. 

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