India has found a new market for itself by shipping its first wheat consignment to Afghanistan via Chabahar port. India has yet again shown, how firm it goes on completing its commitments. Its a significant move since India exported wheat to the land locked country. Earlier export of goods and products to the land locked country was only feasible by routing through Pakistan. Amid disturbing relationships with the neighbouring country, there was no alternative route to switch to. Development of the Chabahar port has bring a relief for the Indian products by discovering new exposures. India shipped its first consignment to Afghanistan on grant basis. India has committed to send 1.1 million tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan. It pledged that Kabul will receive the entire amount in six different installments over the coming months. The move is significant as it indicates India remains firm in delivering on its regional commitment through partnership with Iran, despite Tehran’s ongoing tension with the United States.
A press release from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) noted that the consignment would be the first to use the new route via Chabahar to access Afghanistan, even as India plans similar transfers in the coming months. “The shipment of wheat is a landmark moment as it will pave the way for operationalisation of the Chabahar port as an alternative, reliable and robust connectivity for Afghanistan. It will open up new opportunities for trade and transit from and to Afghanistan and enhance trade and commerce between the three countries (India, Iran and Afghanistan) and the wider region,” said the MEA statement.

India has been trying to find new ways and opportunities for marketing its agricultural products. Moves like these would help to find India exposure to new markets. Marking the occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to social media and said, “I congratulate Afghanistan and Iran on Indian wheat shipment being flagged off from Kandla to Afghanistan through Chabahar.” During Mr. Tillerson’s October 24-25 visit, he noted India’s close cooperation with Iran on the use of Chabahar and said that despite bilateral problems with Tehran, the United States had nothing against “legitimate business” with Iran. When the neighbouring countries like Pakistan and China are influencing the south east region and the world with their much talked initiative : one belt one road, with projects like these, India is supposed to maintain a sound relationship and economy.