The Department of Post has released the notification inviting the applications from the interested & eligible candidates for the positions of Welder (Skilled Artisans Grade III). The applications for the said positions can be submitted by 25th September, 2021.
India Post Vacancy: Welder, General Central Service Gr.-C, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial.
Pay Scale: Rs.19, 900 to Rs.63, 200 (Level-2 in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC).
Age Limit: The age limit for the direct recruitments: Between 18 to 30 years as on 01.07.2021. The age limit shown is the normal age limit & relaxable – 5 years for the SC/ST and 3 years for OBC in respect of the vacancy reserved for them, for the government servants up to 40 years in accordance with the instruction or order issued by Central Government.
The relevant caste certificates submitted in prescribed format for the appointment to post under the government of India will be considered for availing the age relaxation. A certificate in the respective trade from any Technical Institution recognized by the government or VIII Std. Passed with the experience of 1 year in the respective trade.
Period of Probation: One Year.
Method of Recruitment: Direct Recruitment.
Selection Process
Selection will be made from amongst the candidates possessing the requisite qualification by the means of Competitive Trade Test. The date & venue of the test along with syllabus will be intimated separately to eligible candidates. No intimation will be sent in respect of other applicants, who are not eligible.
The applications information/enclosures should be sent in an appropriate size of thick envelope clearly inscribing on the cover as ‘Application for the post of Welder (Skilled Artisans Grade-114 at MMS, Nagpur)’ through the Speed Post/Register Post only & addressed to “The Manager (Group A), Mail Motor Services, GPO compound, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001.
The application sent by the courier or any other transmission will not be entertained or considered. Application without the complete information or without requisite document or documents without the self-attestation will be rejected straight way without any earlier notice or information.
No TA- DA will be paid for the test. Candidate will be selected on the basis of qualification, skill test, experience & merely possessing minimum qualification will not vest any right to the candidate to call for the test.
The vacancy notified is subject to change the without assigning any reasons & department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment if so warranted.
Visit the Official Notification of India Post Recruitment 2021 via: https://www.indiapost.gov.in/VAS/Pages/Recruitment/Rect_08242021_weldernotification.pdf