Scientists of ICAR- Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP has developed a new technology for all- weather biogas production exclusively from poultry excreta.
Experts pointed out that this technology would minimise the environmental and health threats of poultry waste due to lack of proper waste management and disposal methods.
The major significance of this technology is its use in the conservation of water as used slurry of the digester is reutilized again and again as dilutor for poultry excreta.
In India, most of the biogas plants become non-functional during winter season due to lower ambient temperature. Through this technology, biogas production is possible for both during summer and winter season. In ‘DAC’ technology 12-13 to 19-20 kg poultry excreta is required for the production of about one cubic meter of biogas during summer and winter seasons, respectively. This quantity of biogas is sufficient for cooking 3-times meals of an average family comprising 4-5 members.
This can also be used as a heat source at the poultry farm. Spent slurry of poultry biogas has good manure value and germination potential and can be easily applied in agricultural fields for organic crop production without burning effect on plants which is a common problem with crude poultry excreta.
According to the source, this technology is also helpful in self-sustainability of rural poultry farmers in terms of their energy demand. The excreta of 5000 layers birds have the capacity to produce approximately 4100 kg biogas per annum whose market value will be around Rs. 1.31 lakh, if cost of biogas is considered at the rate Rs. 32.00 per kg. There is potential to produce around 128 tonnes of manure from spent slurry. The value of this manure will stand around Rs. 2.56 lakhs on urea, phosphate, potash and micro nutrient equivalence basis. Therefore, this technology has great potential for value addition to the tune of 5-6 times from invaluable poultry excreta.
(Source- ICAR website)