ICAR Jobs: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has released a notification for the recruitment of Young Professional-II(IT) on their official website. Interested and eligible candidates must go through the details given below and apply accordingly. The last date to apply is 2 October 2022.
Candidates must send their scanned copy of the application in the enclosed proforma addressed to the Assistant Director General (PIM), ICAR Headquarters, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
Important Dates
Starting date to Apply: 02 September 2022
Last Date to Apply: 02 October 2022
ICAR Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details
Name of post - Young Professional-II(IT)
Educational Qualifications
Graduate with at least 60% marks in Application/ Information Technology/ Computer Science/ Artificial Intelligence/ Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/ Computer Graphics with one-year experience in relevant field OR Masters in Computer Application/ Information Technology/Computer Science/ Artificial Intelligence/ Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/ Computer Graphics.
Age Limit:
Minimum Age: 21 Years
Maximum Age: 45 Years
ICAR Selection Procedure:
The applications received shall be screened and shortlisted candidates will be called to undergo a penal interview. If needed, a written examination may also be conducted for shortlisting of eligible candidates.
ICAR Selection Criteria:
The selection will be based on the weightage of Education qualifications in the relevant field and performance in the interview.
ICAR Salary Details
Rs.35000/- per month
ICAR Recruitment 2022: How to Apply
The eligible candidates are requested to send their scanned copy of the application in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-1) addressed to the Assistant Director General (PIM), ICAR Headquarters, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 appended with detailed bio-data affixing a recent passport size photograph of the candidate and copies of self-attested certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience and other credentials to email address [email protected] within the 30 days of publishing this advertisement.
All applications received after the due date will stand rejected. The applications received shall be screened and shortlisted based on their qualifying academic performance as per assessment criteria. In case of a large response, a written examination shall also be conducted for shortlisting of eligible candidates. The shortlisted candidates will be selected through the process of interview.
'No Objection Certificate' and 'Experience Certificate' is required from the employer; in case the candidate is employed.
For More Details Read Official Notification: