ICAR- Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research Bharatpur, Rajasthan has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hyderabad’s M/s Bioseed Research India for the Licensing of Rapeseed-Mustard hybrid NRCHB- 506. India is the third largest producer of Rapeseed-Mustard after China and Canada, contributing to the 12% of the world’s total rapeseed production. Moreover, Rapeseed- Mustard is the third most edible and the most important oil seeds in the world.
These crops are preferred to grow on light loam soils avoiding the water logging soils or heavy soils. The most appropriate soil type is said to be those which have a neutral pH as it would provide such crops with proper growth and development. Dr. Muneer Kumar Singh, Representative of M/s Bioseed Research India and Dr. P.K. Rai, Director, ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan together represented their respective organizations while signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organizations for the licensing of the Rapeseed-Mustard Hybrid- NRCHB-506.
During this ceremony other officials including senior officials of the PME, ITMU and ITMC were also present.
During the meet Dr. P.K. Rai said in his statement that on producing and commercializing the new hybrid and high yielding varieties would help in many other crops as well to be brought under such plans so that those crops too become high yielding crops.
According to the statement of Dr. Rai it was clear that the more focus was given to such oilseeds and the target was to increase the production of such oilseeds in India in the near future. Dr. Rai also highlighted other verities of such high yielding capacity which are ready for commercialization or being sold in the market.
Such hybrids are going to be a boon for our agriculture economy as they are not only popular for their properties but also have huge demand even in the international markets.
Rapeseed-Mustard hybrid seeds are now going to become successfully commercialized in India as a result of which most of the farmers who was in to the Mustard plantation or Rapeseed plantation would now be able to plant a hybrid plant contacting both the qualities of Rapeseed as well as Mustard. Therefore the oil extracted from such plants would also be of high value in the market.
Let’s hope and keep checking on how these hybrid seeds would work on both the farmers as well as the consumers and also how much boon will it be to our Indian Agriculture Economy.