The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education also known as HPBOSE will announce the results of Class 10 exam today, 29th April 2019. The results will be declared at 12 pm by the HPBOSE officials.
More than one lakh students who have appeared in the HPBOSE class 10 exam 2019 can check the results on the official website i.e. hpbose.org. The Himachal Pradesh Matric exams started on 7th March and continued till 20th March, 2019.
How to check HPBOSE Class 10th result 2019:
Students can check their HPBOSE class 10 results by following the steps given below:
Step 1 - Go to the official website of Himachal board, hpbose.org
Step 2 - Click on the link that reads ‘results’
Step 3 – Enter your roll number to login in
Step 4 – Hp Class 10 Result will appear on the screen
Step 5 – Check it carefully
Step 6 - Download the result and take a print out for further use.
HP class 10th result 2019 can also be checked at some private websites like examresults.net etc.

How to check HPBOSE class 10th result 2019 through SMS
Students can also view their results on mobile phones by messaging - HP10 <space> roll number and send it to 56263.
The HP Board Class 10 results will be available in the form of scorecard/marks and will contain the students’ personal details, roll umber, marks obtained, total marks & qualifying status. Students must collect the original marksheet and scorecards of HP Board Class 10 result 2019 from their respective schools.
The HPBOSE had declared the results of class 12 (senior secondary) examinations on 23rd April 2019. Around 95,492 students had appeared for class 12 exams out of which, 62.01 % have qualified. 16,121 candidates got compartment.
The secretary of HPBOSE Harish Gajju while talking to media said, “We are not sure about releasing the results today due to some issues regarding uploading the scores on the official websites.”