The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ), previously known as the International Union of Agricultural Journalists (IUAJ), has come a long way since its inception in 1956. Born during the tumultuous times of World War II, the organization has managed to survive and thrive, making significant contributions to the field of agricultural journalism. Let's take a closer look at its journey, the list of past presidents, and why the current president holds a special place in history.
The idea to establish an international organization for agricultural journalists first emerged in 1954 during a conference organized by the European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) in Sweden. This idea culminated in the formation of the International Union of Agricultural Journalists (IUAJ) in 1956, at a gathering held in Ghent, Belgium. Despite the challenging circumstances, the IFAJ persevered and journalists resumed their activities. The organization's First Annual Congress took place in Kassel, Germany, from November 14-16, 1957, marking a significant milestone.
The first provisional committee of IFAJ included a list of notable journalists - France-Pierre Couvreur, chief editor of the Journal de la France Agricole of Paris; Hans von Örtzen, chief editor of Der Tierzüchter of Bonn; Arthur Gobbe, Director of the Agricultural Information Services of the Belgian Ministry of Agriculture in Brussels; Mr. Håkansson, Director-General of the Information Services of the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture in Stockholm; and Mr. Waldhuber, chief editor of the Farm Youth Journal of Vienna.
The Danish Agricultural Journalists Association (Dansk Landbrugspresse) joined IUAJ in 1961.
After the recommendation of the IUAJ Executive Committee in 1964, the name of the organization changed to the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ). The change was later approved by the delegates and incorporated into the statutes in 1967. The AAEA joined IFAJ that year.
IFAJ: A Drop From Its Ocean of Achievements
Back in 1961, IUAJ honoured its members with a press card. In the first “International Bulletin” of 1961, Hayhurst wrote that “each journalist for whom his national association pays membership fees to the Union is entitled to a press identification card issued by the IUAJ.”
The formation of the International Union of Agricultural Journalists was officially inked on November 16, 1956.
In December 1960s, American Agricultural Editors' Association (AAEA) voted to join the International Union of Agricultural Journalists if its name was changed to the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists.
The first newsletter of the IFUA had been called International Bulletin and was first published and delivered to members in May 1961.
IFAJ List of Presidents
The First President of IFAJ Hans was von Ortzen took office in 1956
The Second President of IFAJ was John Hayhurst stayed in office from 1960 to 1964
The Third President of IFAJ was Rolf Haeberli was in office from 1965-1969
France-Pierre Couvreur of France 1969.
Vittorio Cervi of Italy from 1973 to 1976
Dr. Helmut von Bockelmann of Germany in 1977.
Larry Sheedy of Ireland 1985.
Frans Sterckx of Belgium began his term as IFAJ President in 1985 and served through 1988.
Alf G. Skeppstedt served from 1989 through 1992.
David Steers of England was elected IFAJ President during the 1992 Congress and took office in 1993 and stayed till 1996.
In 2000, IFAJ President Paul Queck of the United States took over the office.
In January 2001, IFAJ was headed by President Hans Matthiesen.
During the 2008 annual meeting in Graz, Austria, delegates elected Mike Wilson of the United States as President to replace the retiring David Markey.
It is indeed a never-ending list of IFAJ's achievements with an extensive history. However, over these years, none had a woman president. This year, a woman president is leading this organization.
Current President of IFAJ
Presently, Lena Johansson is serving as president of IFAJ. Also, she is the first woman to become IFAJ president. Over the years, she has been associated with the organization in different positions, including the position of Vice-president from 2016-2020 and an executive member of the Association for Forestry & Agricultural Journalists (FSLJ) in Sweden (Föreningen Skogs och Lantbruksjournalister).
She is an exemplary figure in the field of journalism with a vast experience of 40 years. Avid performer, thinker, and leader, Lena comes with a long list of job titles. She has been doing voluntary work as well. She worked as the political editor-in-chief for Land Lantbruk, LRF Media.