The Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF) had organized a side event on “Certification of Natural Resources to Combat Desertification and Restoring at the UNCCD COP14. Dr. Pradeep Monga, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNCCD had graced the occasion and appreciated suggestions to develop certification standards for LDN and encourage certification as a tool to promote LDN as suggested by NCCF. The event was successful in flagging the need of certification of natural resources and products to sustain and improve productivity of lands in the developing countries. The event was very engaging and the presentations of the outcome of the side event proposed for record of the UNCCD COP14 and for inclusion in Delhi Declaration are as under.
“The Convention would encourage the developing countries to use certification as a system to check and reverse degradation of lands, of land uses like- agriculture, forests and agro-forests, and consequently ensure higher land productivity for a secure future of their citizens. Convention would also encourage relevant local and international financial institutions, and developed countries to extend support to developing countries for the purpose.”
The UNCCD may initiate the process of developing Certification Standard for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), through a Standard Setting Body like the NCCF. The standard should inter alia address the three LDN indicators: Land cover and land cover change, land productivity and soil organic carbon. The standard should be a facilitative tool to achieve LDN targets and objectives.