The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has invited applications for recruitment to the posts of Administrative Officer and Finance & Accounts Officer. It must be noted that this recruitment drive aims to fill 65 positions of AO and F &AO. Those interested can apply for the posts at the official website: http://asrb.org.in/
Important Dates and Details:
Applications started on- 23-07-2021 (11.00 AM)
Last date for online applications- 23-08-2021 (05.00 PM)
Last date of online fee payment- 23-08-2021 (05.00 PM)
Date of Exam Tier-I (CBT)- 10.10.2021
Essential Educational Qualifications:
For Administrative Officer:
Candidate must have completed his/her Graduation from a recognized University having not less than 55% mark in the final degree examination or equivalent and must have working knowledge of computer.
For Finance & Accounts Officer:
Applicants must have completed Graduation from a recognized College securing not less than 55% mark in the final degree examination or equivalent and must have working knowledge of computer.
Desirable Qualification:
Specialization in Finance/ Accounting/ Commerce as the Post Graduation level or professional qualification such as CA/ ICWA/ CS.
Age Limit:
The min age of applicant must be 21 years and max should be 30 years as on 23.08.2021 (i.e. Candidates must have been born not after 23.08.2000 and not earlier than 24.08.1991).
However the maximum age limit for Council’s regular employees holding the post in administrative (ministerial) category will be 45 years.
AO AND FAO Salary:
Pay Level 10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix [Pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 to 39100 + Rs. 5400 (Grade Pay)]
ASRB Recruitment 2021: How to Apply
Candidates must apply online in the prescribed online Application Form available on the website i.e. http:/www.asrb.org.in. They must read all the provisions in the Notification very carefully. He/ She must fulfill all eligibility criteria regarding age limit, educational qualification, etc. mentioned for applying for the examination.
While filling online application form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/her choice for the centre, medium of examination and posts i.e. Administrative Officer or Finance & Accounts Officer or both. More than one application from a candidate will not be accepted in any case.
Scheme and Syllabus of Tier-II Exam (Paper-III & Paper-IV) of AO and F&AO are different and candidate may apply either for AO or F&AO or both. Tier-I Exam will be same for AO and F&AO.
(Source: ASRB)