On Thursday, the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF Ltd), which distributes milk and a range of milk products under the brand Amul, announced the launch of Amul Fresh Milk and Curd in Vijayawada.
Along with representatives from the GCMMF Ltd, Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Managing Director Babu A launched Amul fresh milk and curd.
Speaking on the occasion, Babu stated that milk is presently supplied transparently from women dairy farmers in 1,400 villages across the state, with an additional 3,000 villages set to be included in the next two to three months. The milk procured in Andhra Pradesh was supplied to plants in other States till now. It will now be sent to the Amul plant in Nuzvid.
According to Babu, farmers might earn up to Rs.75 per liter in the future which is the highest ever paid in the milk procurement market.
"It is a great time for us to source milk from Andhra Pradesh farmers and offers this superfood to the people of Vijayawada. We are certain that customers would adopt Amul Fresh Milk and Curd into their everyday meals," said Manoranjan Pani, Chief General Manager.
The first plant of Amul dairy is located in Nuzvidu equipped with modern facilities to process, pack and store the milk and milk products as per FSSAI standards. Presently, the Amul is launching three variants of fresh milk in half a liter, one liter for household and six-liter pack for the bulk users, and two variants of curd.