November Issue of Agriculture World comes at a time when the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26 is being held at Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom and Countries around the world are facing significant impacts of changing climatic patterns. Solving the above-said situations will require serious thoughts on the footprints caused by humans and about how we interconnect with our land systems.
Strategies needed to be devised that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use, food production and agriculture, and generate economic and social benefits. Cooperation between countries are definitely in need to sustainably transform aspects of food systems. It's time to concentrate more on different agroecological practices and strategies that make agriculture more climate-friendly and have the potential to save energy and water by making the soil healthier. The challenge is to find ways to shift current farming and land-use practices toward these more sustainable approaches.
The are several thought-provoking articles which is there in the November Issue of Agriculture World. We introspect food systems in this special issue keeping in mind the climate change constraints. Arjun Shanker of the Center for Study of Science, Technology, and Policy (CSTEP) explains transformative aspects of food systems that could alleviate poverty by restoring jobs, ensuring safer and more nutritious consumption, and helping address climate risks of resource depletion.
With the global population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, food security is a huge challenge and products from aquaculture and fisheries can play a vital role in not only contributing to healthier diets, but also meeting the nutrition and food security needs of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable speaks Matthias Halwart at the Global Conference on Aquaculture. A “Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Chhatr Alumni Network”, a social network portal has been designed and developed by the project team of Indian.
Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi and National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad to advance the networking and collaborative progress of Universities in India, elaborates Sumanth and his associates. Chandramani Waghmare and Vikas Bamel writes about the Root nematode pest that affects many horticultural and ornamental crops in India especially in pomegranate nursery and also in main field. The article describes different Management approaches, seed treatment measures, soil treatment, suitable crop rotation and other practices. Harish Kumar and associates elaborates on the Geographical Indications in Indian Flowers and Arpitha Sharma describes about Kisan Credit Card where farmers are exempted from the high interest rates of the regular loans offered by banks.
We need to concentrate more on different agro ecological practices and strategies that makes agriculture more climate and earth friendly. The challenge is to find ways to shift to more sustainable approaches. Join Agriculture World and its journey in creating sustainable footprints globally and also in the dissemination of knowledge to save Mother earth from destruction and over exploitation.