7th Pay Commission Latest News: There is some exciting news for central government employees. The Modi government is planning to refund their Dearness Allowance (DA) arrears, which have been pending for the last 18 months. According to a close official source, the Cabinet may decide on the DA arrears of central government employees at its next meeting.
Employees To Get Pending DA Arrears Soon
It's worth mentioning that the Cabinet Council intends to pay the pending DA arrears for the last 18 months in a lump sum. If this happens then lakhs of central government employees may receive a lump sum payment of Rs 2 lakh.
The Joint Consultative Mechanism (JCM) will meet soon with officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Department of Personnel and Training, and the Department of Expenditure. It is expected that the lump sum payment of DA arrears will be discussed.
Arrears of Level-1 Employees Ranges Rs 37,000
Level-1 employees' DA arrears will be in the range of Rs 11,880 to Rs 37,000.
Arrears of Level-13 Employees Ranges Rs 2,18,200
At the same time, Level-13 employees will receive DA arrears ranging from Rs 1,44,200 to Rs 2,18,200.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi To Take Final Decision Soon
Let us inform you that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been notified about the pending 18-month arrears. In addition, the Pensioners Forum of India has submitted a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding arrears payment.
The BMS has also asked PM Modi to intervene in this matter and direct the Finance Ministry to release the DA and DR arrears withheld between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 as soon as possible. According to the latest information, the central government can now provide relief to central employees by issuing a decision on this matter.