Agriculture is the base of Indian Economy. In total 70 percent people depend on Agriculture for their livelihood and employment. In the present scenario, the environmental safety and sustainable development of agriculture are the main focus points for the growth and prosperity of the farming community. As well as, the agriculture research and education system should be based on Indo-centric themes with trans-disciplinary research and sustainable exploitation of our resources, balancing with natural environment and ecological security.
Keeping the above facts in view, the Vidyarthi Kalyan Nyas, Bhopal is going to organize a national convention on "Integrated Agriculture - Prosperous Bharat" on 28-29 January 2019 at National Agriculture Science Complex, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
The Themes of Convention are:
Indo-centric Approaches of Agriculture in Research, Education and Extension;
Conservation Agriculture;
Integrated Farming System;
Resource Management in Agriculture (Soil, Water and Nutrient);
Climate Resilience Agriculture;
Agriculture Engineering and Precision Farming;
Advances in Production Technology in Horticulture, Agro-forestry and allied sciences;
Post Harvest Management and Value Addition;
Livestock Production and Management, Poultry and Fisheries Production Technology;
Bee Keeping, Organic Pesticides and Bio Formulation;
Organic/ Natural farming
Integrated Nutrient, Pest and disease Management;
Diversification and Safe Food Production System;
Advances in Farm Mechanization for drudgery reduction in small and Marginal Farmers;
Different Approaches of Extension and Economics, Sustainable Agriculture;
For Registration the Fee is: Teacher/Scientist Rs.2000 and Research Scholars Rs.1000; and the Students Rs.500.00 only.
The interested may register with the Convener - Dr Gajendra Tomar (M) 09827281147 at [email protected]
Organizing Secretary: Dr Raghuraj KIshore Tiwari, Associate Professor (Agronomy), College of Agriculture, Rewa Madhya Pradesh, (M) 09827003237 and
The Co-Organizing Secretary: Dr Amit Kumar Goswami, Scientist-Horticulture, Division of Fruits and Horticulture Technology, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi (M) 07428928799