Dr Manmohan Singh Auditorium at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) resonated with the enthusiasm of 122 farmers hailing from various corners of Punjab who gathered for the monthly training camp organized by PAU Kisan Club. The event served as a platform for farmers to delve into innovative solutions and strategies aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges confronting Punjab's agriculture sector.
Tackling Agricultural Challenges Head-On
Manavpreet Singh, representing the Punjab State Farmers’ and Farm Workers’ Commission, shed light on the pressing issues plaguing Punjab's agriculture landscape. Emphasizing the need to combat challenges related to water scarcity, soil degradation, air quality, climate change, and economic instability, Singh stressed the importance of prioritizing the adoption of non-water intensive and climate-resilient crop varieties. He advocated for the popularization of horticulture and subsidiary occupations as vital components of a sustainable agricultural model.
Dr. Harpreet Kaur, an expert from the Pulses Section, advocated for the adoption of pulses as a viable alternative to water-intensive crops like paddy. Recommending the cultivation of summer moong and mash during the Kharif season, Dr. Kaur highlighted the nutritional and economic benefits of pulses. She particularly emphasized the cultivation of the high-yielding summer moong variety ‘SML 1827,’ produced by PAU, as a promising option for farmers.
Dr. Nikhil Ambish Mehta, Horticulture Development Officer, Ludhiana, underscored the pivotal role of horticulture in Punjab's agricultural landscape. He emphasized the nutritional and economic advantages of cultivating fruit, vegetable, flower crops, and agro-forestry. Dr. Mehta highlighted how horticulture not only provided financial benefits but also empowered both urban and rural dwellers to become producers, catering to both commercial and household consumption needs.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar, an expert in Processing and Food Engineering, addressed concerns regarding post-harvest losses of agricultural produce. He provided valuable tips for the post-harvest handling of vegetable crops, particularly garlic and onion. Dr. Kumar urged farmers to minimize wastage and explore opportunities for value addition through the development of processed garlic and onion products, meeting the dietary needs of Indian households.
Animal science experts, Dr. Devinder Pal Singh and Dr. Ranjit Singh, emphasized the importance of caring for animals, especially during summers. They advised farmers to provide timely feed and seek veterinary assistance promptly in case of disease outbreaks. Additionally, they discussed the cultivation of fodder and silage making as essential practices for ensuring livestock welfare.
Sardar Gurpreet Singh, a progressive farmer, shared his extensive experience and collaboration with PAU and agricultural experts. His insights highlighted the significance of farmer-expert partnerships in driving agricultural innovation and progress.
Dr. Lavleesh Garg, Extension Scientist, extended a warm welcome to the experts and farmers, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.
Manpreet Singh Grewal, President of the PAU Kisan Club, expressed gratitude to all participants, concluding the event on a note of appreciation and camaraderie.