After delivering welcome remarks at 10th Edition of Agrochemicals Conference, R.G. Agarwal, Group Chairman, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd., discussed about various issues that our Agrochemical Industry is facing and also suggested some reforms. Let’s discuss them in detail:
Crop Loss:
R G Agarwal highlighted various estimates on crop losses due to improper or insufficient use of fertilizers and agrochemicals. It incurs a huge loss of about Rs 7.97 Lakh crore. It may also be one of the reasons that the farmers of India are suffering from poverty. Given Below are some of the Crop Loss Estimates:
Parliament (Government Estimates)- 10 to 30 % crop loss
FAO Estimates- About 40 %crop loss in Asian Countries
ICAR Estimates- 8 to 90 % crop loss could be due to climatic conditions, attacks and various diseases
Concerns of Agrochemical Industry:
As per R G Agarwal, Agrochemical industry is facing many issues that are harming its growth potential. These concerns are as follows:
Problems in introduction of new pesticides
Problem in Current Registration System for Insecticides
Complicated & Complex Registration Guidelines
Long & Uncertain time taken in Registration of New Products
Suggestions or Reforms by RG Agarwal:
Agrochemical Industry needs reforms in some areas that are as follows:
Reforms in Registration Process
Reforms in License Issuance
Reforms in Quality Control Process
Reform to create modern infrastructure with compliance & manpower for timely delivery
Possible Steps of Correction:
Increase fees of Registration
Introduce computerized system to ensure compliance
Introduce KYC system to Track & Monitor manufacturing facility
Penalize with cancellation in case of non-compliance & wrong information
Implement Government Notification No. S.O.166 (E) 22nd January 2010
Bring Accountability in the system
For Quality Control System- Labs should be NABL approved and lashed with modern technologies
Concluding his speech, R G Agarwal, said that Pesticides are playing an important role in the food security of the nation. Therefore, the Agrochemical industry deserves respect and acknowledgment as it provides food and nutritional security. Furthermore, he said that the industry is committed to the growth of the agriculture sector and is ready to adopt newer technologies like Drones, AI, Cropshift and Precision Farming. At last, he showed interest to work with KVKs & Universities to update and upgrade our farmers to the best of their ability.