To strengthen market connections for Indian farmers, Gram Unnati, the country's first integrated agricultural solutions company, has partnered with Common Services Centre (CSC) E-Governance Services India Limited to establish a digital platform empowering smallholder farmers to efficiently market their produce. CSCs serve as internet-enabled access points offering various e-governance services through digital connectivity.
The pilot project is underway in 60 villages of Bulandshahr district, Uttar Pradesh. Farmers in these villages can inform the nearest CSC Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) about their agricultural produce's quality and quantity. Gram Unnati will then engage with the farmer, assess the produce quality, offer fair prices, and take possession of the goods. Payments will be processed instantly and in full directly into the farmers' bank accounts. Based on the pilot's results, the initiative will expand to the entire district within 6 to 12 months and to other areas across the country within 24 to 36 months.
Aneesh Jain, CEO and Founder of Gram Unnati, highlighted the benefits for farmers, including a 15% to 20% increase in net price realization, fair weighment of produce, transparent payment processing, and advisory support on crop planning and management to enhance quality and productivity. Kuldeep Meena, Chief Development Officer of Bulandshahr District, Uttar Pradesh, expressed excitement about the initiative, emphasizing its importance in providing farmers with easy access to markets and fair prices for their produce.
The initiative's primary goal is to provide vegetable farmers with market access at the village level, ensure prompt and full payments directly into their bank accounts, and offer timely advisory services for pest or disease issues.