It’s been only an year after the PepsiCo filed lawsuits against the potato growing farmers and also reportedly sought 10 million rupees from each farmer, who operate farms of few acres.
PepsiCo India at present decides to increase its investment from 500 crore to 800 crore and has also decided to procure 118,000 tones potato from the farmers of Mathura and Kosi region and they claim to provide direct and indirect employment to over 1500 people in the state. They also claim that it would help in increasing the income of the farmers. Many US companies along with Pepsico is trying to invest in the state and MSME minister has assured of all help on behalf of state government.
IT looks like UP Government is inviting the US Companies who can invest in the food processing, leather, horticulture, and pharmaceutical and agri sectors. Microsoft is already setting up a center in Greater Noida, which will employ over 4000 people. The trade between UP and US is around $2.74 billion, which is mainly of textile, woodcraft, carpet, iron & steel items. Recently the US companies’ have shown interest in investing in the electronics and electrical sector at Noida and Greater Noida.
With respect to the above increase on Investment by Pepsico, Founder and Chairman of Dhakshhin Agropolis, Chalasani Bhaskar retorts about farmers having been forced to buy the seeds from Pepsi and getting enslaved. When will the nation realize the importance of seed independence and biodiversity and think about climate change. Companies like Pepsico tries converting India into eating salt snacks and so into malnutrition, when 75% of the nation is already suffering malnutrition.
It’s high time we realise the truth and help the farmers and nation from climate change and malnutrition. Isn’t it enough of big food companies damaging our farmers and health.