
Take this online test series to check your preparations for different entrance exams in the major subject category Horticulture and clear your doubts on Vegetable Crops, Fruit Science, Post-Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Floriculture & Landscaping and plantation Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops.

Garlic Cultivation Quiz

Garlic Cultivation Quiz

Garlic isn’t just a kitchen staple—it’s a powerful crop. It is a perennial flowering plant that is native to Central Asia, South Asia, and northeastern Iran. It grows from a bulb Think you know how to grow it right? Take this quiz and find out!…

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Mushroom Cultivation Quiz

Mushroom Cultivation Quiz

Mushroom cultivation is a profitable and eco-friendly farming practice that transforms agricultural waste into nutritious food. Mushrooms are rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, making them a valuable addition to diets worldwide. Grow your knowledge! Take the mushroom cultivation quiz and learn more about the fascinating world of fungi!…

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Avocado Facts Quiz

Avocado Facts Quiz

Challenge your knowledge with our quick avocado quiz. Learn fun facts about global production and export trends in just a few questions!…

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Varieties of Radish Quiz

Varieties of Radish Quiz

Test your knowledge about different varieties of radish with this quiz! Each question provides a brief description to help you to know more about the characteristics, planting times, and maturation periods of popular radish varieties. Let's see how much you know about this diverse and delicious vegetable!…

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Radish Cultivation Quiz

Radish Cultivation Quiz

Test your knowledge about radish cultivation with this quiz! From sowing to harvesting, this quiz covers all the essential information for any radish grower. Challenge yourself and see how much you know about keeping your radish crop healthy and thriving!…

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Horticulture POP for Spinach Quiz

Horticulture POP for Spinach Quiz

Spinach, a superfood, offers a host of health benefits. It's rich in antioxidants and potassium, great for heart health and blood pressure. With vitamin A, it supports eye health and boosts immunity. High in iron and folic acid, it also helps prevent anemia. Top spinach-producing states in India include Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,…

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King and Queen of Crops

King and Queen of Crops

Let us learn about the king and queen's of the agricultural world.…

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Horticulture POP-Chilli

Horticulture POP-Chilli

Take this quiz to test your knowledge level about the package of practices of chilli in different stages.…

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Horticulture POP-Tomato

Horticulture POP-Tomato

Take this quiz to test your knowledge level about the package of practices of tomato in different stages.…

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Horticulture POP-Cole Crops

Horticulture POP-Cole Crops

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the package of practice of cole crops.…

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Pest and Diseases in horticulture crops

Pest and Diseases in horticulture crops

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the pest and diseases of horticulture crops.…

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 Post Harvest Processing

Post Harvest Processing

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the intervention for decontamination of the surfaces of fresh fruits and vegetables.…

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the landscaping of fields and garden.…

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the floriculture.…

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Gardening 101

Gardening 101

Take this quiz to check how much you know about gardening!…

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World Carrot Day Quiz!

World Carrot Day Quiz!

Take this quiz to check your knowledge about carrots and World Carrot Day!…

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World Tomato Day Quiz!

World Tomato Day Quiz!

Take this quiz to check your knowledge about all things tomato!…

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the spices.…

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Horticulture Scenario In India

Horticulture Scenario In India

Take this quiz to get to know how much do you know about Horticulture Scenarion in The country.…

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Latest Horticulture Estimates 2020-21

Latest Horticulture Estimates 2020-21

Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the horticulture related activity of the country.…

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Plantation Crops

Plantation Crops

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the plantations crops.…

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the olericulture.…

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the pomology.…

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Horticulture Practices

Horticulture Practices

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the practices that are used in horticulture.…

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Horticulture General 2

Horticulture General 2

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about the general knowledge of horticulture.…

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Horticulture General

Horticulture General

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on how much you actually know about art and science of growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and ornamental plants.…

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