Dieticians describe unhealthy foods as any food items that have no nutritional value and are high in fat, sugar, and calories. The kicker is that unhealthy food is often packaged as nutritious by big brands and is addictive. Foods that are high in added sugar, trans fats, and refined carbohydrates, and low in calories are unhealthy because they contain no essential nutrients, can cause digestive issues, increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, lower our energy, and even lead to rapid spiking in blood sugar and insulin levels.
Now, let’s take a look at some foods that you must avoid consuming in 2023.
Disclaimer: Excessive and regular consumption of greasy, non-nutritious, and processed food leads to health issues. It is ok to indulge in them now and again.
Juice and other sweet drinks- It might come as a complete shock to some people but drinking just the juice of a fruit or vegetable rather than eating the food can hurt our bodies. This is mainly because drinking the juice of a fruit unabated by other essential nutrients such as fiber, which plays the role of slowing digestion and keeping us full, gushes straight into our liver. This is also the case with other sweet drinks.
Granola and Granola Bars- The recent wave of health fanatics have hailed granola and granola bars as a superfood that keeps our hunger satiated for a long time. And although granola and granola bars are nutritious to make them appeal to a large audience, many companies add loads of sugar and preservatives to them. Excessive sugars and added preservatives are linked with health conditions such as fatty liver, obesity, and heart disease. Therefore, many dieticians recommend making your granola and granola bars at home to reap their benefits.
Low-fat peanut butter- Nut butter is a great source of nutrients such as protein, heart-healthy fats, and even vitamins and minerals. When what is essentially healthy fat from peanut butter, all that is left is a product with added sugar and filler ingredients that are added to compensate for the fat removed. A good rule of thumb while buying any nut butter is to check that the only main ingredients are peanuts, oil, and some salt.
Processed foods- Processed foods include junk food, chips, namkeen, frozen food, and most packaged meals. Such foods are not good for us because they are made with added preservatives and ingredients to keep them fresh for a long time. They also don’t have any nutrients or fiber. Processed and refined foods tend to cause digestive issues, low energy, irregular bowel movement, and foggy memory.
Sugary cereals- Sugary cereals are often marketed as the perfect wholesome breakfast, however, this is far from the truth. Sugary cereals oftentimes have more carbohydrates and sugar than proteins, fiber, and vitamins. People end up feeling hungry quicker after eating sugary cereals and they can also result in a blood sugar crash.
Alcohol- While many people might argue that wine is a great source of antioxidants, therefore, it is good and even healthy to drink. However, many other non-alcoholic foods are also rich in antioxidants. The bottom line is alcohol in any capacity and form is an addictive substance that can lead to long-term health issues such as liver failure and mood disorders, and even increase the risk of developing cancer. It also leads to weight gain.