Artocarpus integer a species of tree which is in the same category of jackfruit and it is commonly known as Cempedak. Cempedak is also called the ugly cousin of jackfruit. It is mainly grown in nations like Malaysia, Indonesia and southern Thailand. Cempedak trees are large trees that can grow up to 20-meter height. These fast-growing trees can bear heavy crops of fruit twice in a year.
Cempedak Fruit
The Cempedak is a spherical shaped fruit which has thin and leathery skin close to jackfruit. Cempedak is similar to jackfruit but Cempedak are smaller in size than jackfruit. Cempedak trees are usually cultivated in well drained soils. Cempedak fruit trees can also be cultivated with other fruit trees in a mixed crop manner.
The peak season of cempedak is from February to April then again August to October in a year. The 3–6-year-old trees are capable of Bear fruits, the wood of cempedak trees is of very fine quality and that can be used in the manufacturing of boats and also home furnishing.
Cempedak seeds are smaller than jackfruit seeds. Like jackfruit seeds, cempedak trees can also be consumed as food after boiling. It is one of the fruits having great water content up to 67 grams per 100 grams. The young cempedak fruit can also be used as a vegetable when preparing curries or other local dishes.
Cempedak medicinal benefits
This fruit also contains ascorbic acid, enzymes and is also rich in vitamins and minerals. Cempedak is very rich in vitamin A content. Which will keep our cornea of the eye healthier.
The contents of dietary fiber in cempedak which can maintain our digestive tract healthy. The bark of this fruit contains components like artoindonesianin which has the ability to prevent tumors and cancer.
So, beyond sweetness and taste Cempedak fruit is very healthy and has multiple uses also.