The first thing that comes to mind when you hear soybean is the soy chunk you get from regular stores. This is not soybean as many people believe. It is a product processed from soybeans. Soy chunk is made by separating oil from soybeans. It is also known as soy meat.
Soybeans are available in the same way as regular legumes. But no one includes it in normal diet. This is due to the presence of anti-nutrient components in them. But there are other edible products made from soybeans, such as soybeans. Products such as soy milk, soy powder, soy sauce and soybean oil are examples.
Soy chunks are known as the meat of vegetarians. This is because the amount of protein in meat is found in soy chunks. Soy chunks, which can be cooked in a meat curry style, are available in stores as dry pellets.
Soy chunk can be said to be nutritious because it contains 50 percent protein and amino acids that the body needs. Soy chunks are very good for children's intellectual development and growth. Soy has been found to contain omega fatty acids that increase good cholesterol levels.
It is good for diabetics and heart patients as it contains fiber. It also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Phosphorus.
Soybeans, the world's second largest oil seed, are also widely used in medicine. It has a special place in the treatment of nutritional deficiencies due to its low cost. Soy is good for controlling insulin levels in the blood. Soy is also used to prevent breast cancer. But the use of soy is not so good in thyroid patients and cancer patients.