In the past, bananas were only seen during the Onam season Kerala. Earlier, banana cultivation was done in such a way that it could be used for Onam(A. Festival). Today, bananas which are ripe and raw are available throughout the year. Bananas can be easily purchased by giving thirty to forty rupees per kilo except during Onam.
Raw bananas are used in many curries. Raw bananas are commonly used to fry chips. A dish made from green peas and peal of bananas was an important dish in Kerala. Making chips using raw bananas is widespread on an industrial scale in Kerala.
Boiled ripe bananas can be found all over Kerala. Boiled fruits are consumed by children and adults above the age of six. Eating unripe bananas and black peeled fruits has different benefits for the person who eats them. The most beneficial is with very mature black skin.
Fruits that contain all three nutrients, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, are generally low. But there are three of these in bananas. It is also rich in calcium and potassium.
Fruits that are well-ripened can be eaten by diabetics. Fruits with well-ripened black skin should be avoided by diabetics. This is because of the high content of sweetness in it.
Bananas are good for digestion and related functions as they are high in fiber. One-tenth of the fiber required by the body comes from bananas. Boiled unripened bananas provide all the essential fats and nutrients to the body. This is a breakfast that can be tried even by diabetics.
Eating too much unripe fruit can help you lose weight. As it contains Vitamin B6, this ripe fruit is good for preventing type 2 diabetes.
Tryptophan contained in bananas is good for heart health. It can prevent diseases such as stroke as it can prevent the blood vessels from developing.
Well-ripened banana is rich in vitamin A. It is very good for eyesight. Ripe fruits are also rich in carotene. It is rich in vitamin C, which is good for bone growth in children. Eating a ripe fruit at a time when the mind is not refreshed will refresh the mind.
Ripe fruit with black skin can increase the body's immunity by eight times. Giving children boiled bananas mixed with ghee will not only improve their digestion but also increase their weight.
It has to be said that bananas are bad for the body if you eat fried chips. This is because it increases the level of triglyceride in the body. Moreover, its nutritional value is greatly reduced during frying.