Everyone loves grapes, right? They are healthy and delightfully juicy. Grapes are known for being low in calories and almost fat-free. They are renowned to be a great joy and are packed with vital vitamins and minerals. They grow on vines and change color as they ripen. From green to purple, and red to black, they are widely available all across the world.
But no matter how healthy they are, going overboard with your favorite fruit can cause you more harm than good.
This small fruit is perfect for binge eating which leads to too much consumption. This will increase the number of calories you consume and may therefore have a negative impact on your health. A daily serving of thirty to forty grapes out of a bowl is acceptable, but any more can have unavoidable negative effects.
These harmful effects can include weight gain, gastrointestinal discomfort, and complications during pregnancy.
Find out more about the various possible drawbacks of grapes. Also, read about the medications that may interact with grapes.
Side Effects of Eating Grapes
Grapes have a lot of natural sugar, and eating too many foods that are high in sugar might cause loose stools. Additionally, grapes contain a lot of insoluble fibers, which when consumed in excess can disrupt normal digestion and cause diarrhea or constipation.
Abdominal pain
Grape seeds that haven't been digested can result in appendicitis in severe situations and cause severe stomach pain. Additionally, you can develop irritable bowel syndrome, which is triggered by eating too many grapes and causes abdominal discomfort.
May Lead to Weight Gain
Grape consumption in excess might result in major weight gain. Even though they are low in calories and high in fiber, consuming them as a snack can defeat the purpose. These contain a lot of natural sugars, therefore if consumed excessively, they may also cause a surge in blood sugar levels. It is usually recommended to eat food, including grapes, in moderation to get the most health benefits.
May Cause Complications During Pregnancy
The resveratrol in grapes, a powerful polyphenol also present in red wine, is responsible for this unfavorable effect.
In a study, it was discovered that resveratrol supplements harm the growing fetus' pancreatic. Even though the study finds nothing wrong with grapes, it is still best to be cautious.
Looking to supplement with resveratrol may be advantageous during pregnancy, according to several early research. However, most research comes up empty. Be sure to consult your doctor before consuming grapes while pregnant.
Certain allergies can be triggered by eating too many grapes. Despite being a rare thing, it can be troublesome when it occurs. The allergic reaction is caused by a specific protein found in grapes. Grape allergies are characterized by red spots on the skin, a strong headache, vomiting, and in severe cases, anaphylactic attacks brought on by breathing difficulties. Get an allergy test done if there is any uncertainty because this reaction could be fatal.
Gastric Problems
Never consume grapes on an empty stomach. Grape consumption in excess can interfere with the gastrointestinal tract's lining and result in acidity, headaches, and vomiting. Grapes might irritate your stomach since they contain salicylic acid.