The ridge gourd is a vegetable that is produced in Southern and Eastern India. It is also referred to as "tindora" or "tindli" in Hindi. You can eat it raw by chopping it up and dipping it in salt water, or you can prepare it by boiling it with curry leaves and tamarind. Ridge gourds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, iron, vitamin C and manganese.
Nutritional Values of Ridge Gourd per 100g:
Nutrients |
Amount per 100 g |
Calories |
13.15 kcal |
1.72 g |
Protein |
0.91 g |
Fat |
0.14 g |
Calcium |
13.7 mg |
Phosphorous |
33.06 mg |
Omega-3 fats |
26.42 mg |
Sodium |
4.71 mg |
Potassium |
118 mg |
Folate (vitamin B9) |
29.26 mcg |
Vitamin-C |
5.42 mg |
Beta carotene |
348 mcg |
Vitamin-A |
58 mcg |
Magnesium |
16.15 mg |
10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd:
1. Improves Vision
Even at an older age, vision can be improved thanks to the substantial levels of vitamin A present in ridge gourd in the form of beta carotene. They also help to stave off other eye conditions including macular degeneration and partial blindness. Beta carotene, a beneficial antioxidant, protects the eyes from damaging free radicals by removing toxins from the optic neurons and visual blood vessels.
2. Encourages Weight Loss:
Ridge gourd is naturally low in calories and has very low levels of cholesterol and saturated fat. In turn, this promotes fast digestion of food's proteins, carbs, and fats after consumption and prevents an excessive build-up of fat in bodily tissues. Additionally, the ridge gourd's insulin-like peptides and alkaloids assist diabetics to maintain their metabolism and body weight by regulating blood sugar levels.
3. Act as a Cure for Anaemia:
Ridge gourd, which contains a lot of iron, is best consumed frequently with meals to treat anemia brought on by a lack of iron. Ridge gourd is also rich in vitamin B6, which, together with iron, is essential for the healthy formation of red blood cells in the body. As a result, it controls blood flow to all bodily organs, reducing the effects of weariness and discomfort.
4. Manages Diabetes Symptoms:
Ridge gourd naturally has few calories and carbohydrates and is rich in nutritional fiber, which helps to manage hunger, stifle unexpected cravings, and prevent weight gain. Additionally, this pulpy green vegetable is rich in phytonutrients that are hypoglycemic, successfully reducing unexpected rises in blood sugar levels after meals. Ridge gourd increases digestion, metabolism, and insulin functioning in this way, helping to control diabetes.
5. Improves Skin Texture:
Rich in antioxidant-potent vitamins C and A, ridge gourd helps in the elimination of harmful free radicals from the body, the prevention of oxidative damage to healthy skin tissues, and the detoxification and filtration of the blood. Ridge gourd, when consumed regularly in tiny amounts in salads, juices, stir-fries, dals, or curries, helps to improve blood flow to skin cells, treat infections, acne, and dark spots, and promote smooth, bright, and beautiful skin.
6. Reduces Body Heat:
The water vegetable called a ridge gourd has a lot of liquid, which has amazing cooling benefits and helps to minimize excessive body heat. This nutritional feast also contains a wealth of minerals, such as potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, and selenium. These help in fighting dehydration, restoring electrolyte balance, and replacing the body's lost fluids and minerals. They also help in neutralizing excess acidity in the body and creating a favorable alkaline environment.
7. Strengthens Immunity:
The body's poor immunity and incapacity to fight infections, which produce chronic inflammation, is one of the main causes of eye, liver, stomach, and kidney infections. Ridge gourd is rich in iron, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin C, all of which help in lowering inflammation in the body and boosting immunity.
8. Enhances Heart Health:
Potassium and magnesium are crucial for the cardiovascular system to operate properly. These minerals and potent antioxidants can be found in abundance in ridge gourd, which supports heart health by scavenging free radicals and preventing cell damage.
9. Safeguards Liver Function:
The ridge gourd removes toxic wastes, alcohol traces, and partially digested meals from the blood. Therefore, it is essential for improving bile function and liver health. The liver produces bile, a fluid that helps in the breakdown of fats and lipids. Jaundice and other infections that develop in the hepatic duct are also successfully treated by it.
10. Relief from Constipation:
The gourd family vegetable ridge gourd has a lot of water. Additionally, ridge gourd flesh contains a lot of cellulose, a natural nutritional fiber. To relieve constipation and return to regular bowel movements and digestion, ridge gourd can be consumed in juice form.