SMAM Scheme: In order to increase crop production and productivity by cultivating modern methods, farmers must have modern agricultural equipment to do agricultural work. They must do it at the right time with advanced seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and water for irrigation. Modern agricultural devices not only give impetus to agricultural growth. Rather, the economic condition of farmers also gets strengthened.
In today's time, it is possible to do agricultural work with modern farming equipment by doing tillage, sowing, irrigation, harvesting, and storage in the right manner. In such a situation, under different schemes from time to time, the central government continues to provide subsidies to the farmers of the country according to their category, who are unable to buy modern agricultural equipment.
50 to 80% Subsidy on Agricultural Implements
Now in this regard, the central government is providing 50 to 80% subsidy on agricultural implements under SMAM scheme. This scheme is available to the farmers of all the states of the country. Any farmer of the country who is eligible for this scheme can apply for this scheme. Women farmers can also apply for this scheme online. For this, the government portal, Direct Benefit Transfer in Agriculture Mechanization Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India has been released.
How to apply for an agricultural machine?
To apply for agricultural machinery, first of all visit here
Then, go to the registration corner.
There you will get three options, out of which you click on Farmer.
After that, fill in the details carefully.
Please keep the following documents in front of you and fill the information on the same basis.
Documents required for agricultural machine application
1. Aadhaar Card - to identify the beneficiary.
2. Passport size photo of the farmer.
3. Right to land (ROR) to record while adding land details.
4. A copy of the first page of the bank pass book, which details the beneficiary.
5. Copy of any ID proof (Aadhaar Card / Driving License / VoterID Card / PAN Card / Passport).
6. Copy of caste category certificate in case of SC / ST / OBC.
Be careful - do not fill in the wrong information. You can be denied benefits by entering wrong information.
Important thing
While registering in DBT portal, the farmer has to select the right district, sub-district, block and village from the drop down list. The name of the farmer should be according to the Aadhaar card. Farmer category (SC / ST / General), Farmer Type (Small / Marginal / Large) and Gender (Male / Female) should be filled correctly otherwise the application will be terminated at the time of verification. It is the responsibility of the farmer to submit the correct details to avail the subsidy.
For more information, farmers can contact on the following numbers according to their state-
Uttarakhand - 0135- 2771881
Uttar Pradesh - 9235629348, 0522-2204223
Rajasthan - 9694000786, 9694000786
Punjab- 9814066839, 01722970605
Madhya Pradesh - 7552418987, 0755-2583313
Jharkhand - 9503390555
Haryana - 9569012086
Bihar - 9431818911, 9431400000