We all know about the Maharashtra fisherman that became a millionaire overnight by selling the Ghol fish he had caught. He sold 157 ghol fishes at a whopping Rs 1.33 crore after striking luck with the ‘Sea Gold’ as the fish is often called so.
This is a rare incident, so rare that it’s even termed miraculous. So, what’s so great about this fish? And more importantly, how do you catch and sell it? Well, keep on reading to learn all about it.
About Ghol Fish
The ghol fish, sometimes known as the black-spotted croaker fish but known scientifically as "Protonibea diacanthus," is a rare species. Because of its medicinal qualities, it is highly valued in east Asia. It is rich in minerals, including iodine, omega-3, DHA, EPA, iron, taurine, magnesium, fluoride, and selenium.
The bag in this fish's gut, which has powerful medicinal effects and is highly valued in the international market, is what gives it the nickname "Sea Gold." Ghol fish, which are found mainly in the Indo-Pacific region, are among the costliest marine fish in the world. These fish have now moved from the beach to the deep water due to pollution levels, making them even harder to catch.
Why is Ghol Fish the Most Expensive Fish?
The bladder found in the stomach of the Ghol fish was used to make the thread used in several surgeries, including those involving the heart. The fish is also thought to be able to treat kidney stones and increase sexual potency and immunity. Iodine, Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, fluoride, and selenium are all found in ghol fish.
The Ghol fish's vitamins, minerals, and lipids help improve muscular and optical performance. Consuming Ghol fish therefore boosts skin health since the collagen included in the fish's lipids helps to reduce wrinkles in the skin.
Children that eat ghol fish frequently can grow their brainpower and brain cells. This is made possible by the omega-3 in fish. The price of the male fish is higher than the female.
The market price for a male fish weighing 30 kilos is between Rs. 4 and 5 lakh, and between Rs. 1 and 2 lakh for a female fish. The fish's bhot, another internal organ, is in high demand. In Satpati in Mumbai, it costs Rs. 5- 6 lakh. However, the market price of its meat is merely Rs. 500–600. It is also used in the production of cosmetics and the purification of wine.
Where to Catch and Sell Ghol Fish?
In various regions of the world, the ghol fish is also referred to as the black-spotted croaker. The Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are where they can be found most often.
The ghol fish are sold through auctioning and being the rarest and costliest fishes, they fetch a good price, just like Chandrakant Tare sold his 157 ghol fish for Rs 1.33 crore. Usually, Gujarat and Maharashtra auctions are where this fish is sold.