The Indian agriculture industry has performed quite well during the pressing times of Covid 19 pandemic, in fact, it would not be unfair to say that the Indian agriculture industry was the saviour of the Indian economy during the pandemic.
However, like any other field, the Indian Agri industry needs to evolve and keep up with the times so listed below are six of the latest innovations in the field of agriculture that farmers can take advantage of in the coming days:
AgroStar: Kisan Helpline & Farmers Agriculture App
Yes, it’s not anything new as it was not developed in the last 2 years, however, for the Indian agriculture industry, it is a big step towards digitisation. 58 per cent of the population in India works in the Agriculture sector and many of them actually dont have complete knowledge on how to sow their crops or how to care for their land. Agro star mitigates this by providing a platform to the farmers to connect with Agri consultants and Doctors who can help them with their issues. It also helps farmers to network and also gain knowledge from each other.
Crop Sensors
The crop sensors aid in the efficient application of fertilizers, maximizing absorption. They are able to detect how your crop is feeling and limit the risk of leaching and discharge into groundwater. Crop sensors inform application equipment how much to apply in real-time, rather than preparing a prescription fertilizer map for a field before going out to apply it. Based on the quantity of light reflected back to the sensor, optical sensors may determine how much fertilizer a plant need. This will also help farmers to effectively utilize smart farming as a whole.
Crop irrigation systems can now be monitored and controlled using a smartphone
With innovations in the field of Interconnectivity of devices, Crop irrigation systems are being monitored and controlled with the use of mobile technologies. Instead of travelling to each field, a farmer may use the current technology to handle his irrigation equipment from a phone or computer. Moisture sensors in the ground can provide data on the amount of moisture present at different depths in the soil.
Internet of things in smart farming
With the growing interconnectivity of devices which has literally made precise automation and control over irrigation, fertiliser input and pesticide spraying possible one just need to connect all these features together to a single device like a smartphone and put them into a greenhouse to attain complete control over every aspect of their crop production this will not only help them to attain the maximum possible yields but will also put every single variable in farming under their control helping farmers to farm effectively.
Farm Management software
Farm Management Software has become a very vital tool in today’s world. With the western countries increasing food safety regulations tools like these that improve traceability and help keep perfect records of pesticide spraying and even things like the weather forecasts will not only help farmers to provide perfect records to the authorities but will help them to take effective measures to safeguard their crops during sudden weather changes.
Solar-powered Pest Control System for Small Agricultural Fields
This is a new innovation in the field of agriculture that aims at helping farmers evenly spread pesticides on their fields via the use of solar energy aims at solving the electrical issues that the farmers might face. This innovation was developed by the Researchers of IIT Kharagpur.