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Christmas Facts: Story of the Star of Bethlehem and the Three Kings

A long time ago, three wise men traveled to Jerusalem, looking for a miracle child and guided by a sole star called the Star of Bethlehem. The story goes something like this…

Binita Kumari
According to the Bible, these three wise men believed the new star to be a sign of the birth of the Jewish King and traveled to Jerusalem to worship him
According to the Bible, these three wise men believed the new star to be a sign of the birth of the Jewish King and traveled to Jerusalem to worship him

Christmas 2023: Since Christmas is around the corner, most of us must have already decorated our homes and workplaces with Christmas décor including a Christmas tree, bells, mistletoe, Christmas balls, and stars, not to mention setting up the crib. But did you know all these decorative items have a story behind them? Did you know how the star of Bethlehem and the Three Kings are connected?

If not, then keep on reading. A long time ago, three wise men traveled to Jerusalem, looking for a miracle child and guided by a sole star called the Star of Bethlehem. The story goes something like this…

What the Gospel Says

The gospel informs us that a brilliant star, famously witnessed by a group of wise men, appeared in the eastern sky when Jesus was born. These biblical "Magi," often known as kings, are now a feature common to nativity scenes all around the world. The wise men and the star are mentioned in just 12 verses of the Bible. Only the Book of Matthew has the Star of Bethlehem story.

According to the Bible, these three wise men believed the new star to be a sign of the birth of the Jewish King and traveled to Jerusalem to worship him. When they arrive, they talk to Herod, the Roman-appointed governor of the area, and ask him about the infant Jesus. "Where is the Jewish monarchy's newborn king? We have come to honor him because we saw his star as it rose," Matthew explains.

However, Herod is worried about the idea. He is said to be looking for Jesus' birthplace with his own team of wise men. They eventually ask the three wise men when the star first appeared. Herod sends the group to Bethlehem to look for Jesus in response to Micah's prophecy that the Messiah will be born there. (It's also said that Herod eventually kills the Bethlehem children in an effort to put an end to Jesus.)

When they left after hearing the king, the star they had seen in the east moved ahead of them until it arrived and stood over the place where the kid was, according to Matthew. They were overwhelmed with pleasure when they spotted the star.

Who Were the Three Kings Who Bought Gifts for Baby Jesus?

The Magi or wise men originated from a region that is currently either in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, or Iran (then known as Persia, Arabia, and Sheba). Although the Bible doesn't mention their number or that they were really kings, they are regularly alluded to as the "Three Kings"! Due to the gifts that they brought with them; they eventually became three.

They really were "wise men." The term "Magupati," used to refer to priests in a particular branch of ancient Persian faiths like Zoroastrianism, applied to the Magi. We referred to them as astrologers today. Astrology and astronomy were once closely related fields of study (and "science") that were studied together. The stars' patterns would have been closely watched by the magi.

What Was the Star of Bethlehem?

"In the first light of dawn" is a pretty appropriate translation of the phrase "saw it in the east," meaning that it was not only in the East but also early in the morning. And it would have been in the south, above Bethlehem, while the Magi were in Jerusalem.

We also know that it must have been a sign of something very unusual and new; according to their astrology, it meant that Israel had a new King and that it would be worthwhile to travel to find him.

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