India has a rich tradition of dairy farming, and its dairy industry is one of the largest in the world. With a diverse range of cow and buffalo breeds, the country boasts numerous options for high-quality milk production. In this blog, we will explore some of the best cow and buffalo breeds in India known for their exceptional milk production capabilities and the qualities that make them stand out.
Cow Breeds
Holstein Friesian:
The Holstein Friesian breed is widely recognized for its remarkable milk production. Originally from the Netherlands, Holsteins have adapted well to the Indian climate and farming practices. These cows are known for their high milk yields, efficient feed conversion, and excellent udder development. Holsteins have a distinctive black-and-white color pattern, and their milk is relatively low in fat but has a high volume, making it ideal for large-scale dairy operations.

Jersey cows are smaller in size compared to Holsteins, but they make up for it with their rich and creamy milk. Originating from the Channel Island of Jersey, this breed has gained popularity in India due to its high butterfat content. Jersey cows have a fawn colouration, and their milk is renowned for its superior flavour and suitability for producing dairy products like cheese and butter.

The Gir breed, native to Gujarat, is highly esteemed for its milk production capabilities and adaptability to hot and humid climates. These cows have a distinctively convex forehead and a reddish-brown coat. Gir cows are known for their high milk fat content, making their milk ideal for producing ghee and other traditional dairy products. Additionally, they are hardy animals with good disease resistance, which makes them a favoured choice among dairy farmers.
Originating from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan, Sahiwal cows are known for their heat tolerance and excellent milk production. They have a reddish-brown coat, strong body structure, and prominent udders. Sahiwal cows are valued for their adaptability to harsh environments and their ability to produce milk with a high butterfat content. These qualities make them well-suited for dairy farming in the northern regions of India.
Buffalo Breeds:
The Murrah buffalo breed, native to Haryana, is renowned for its high milk yield and superior milk composition. These buffaloes have a black coat with white markings on the face. Murrah buffaloes are known for their adaptability to different climatic conditions, resilience to diseases, and their ability to produce milk with high fat and protein content. They are widely preferred for milk production and the manufacturing of dairy products like paneer and khoa.
The Mehsana buffalo breed, found in Gujarat, is highly regarded for its milk production capabilities and adaptability to semi-arid regions. These buffaloes have a grayish-black coat and are well-known for their high milk fat content. Mehsana buffaloes are hardy animals, capable of thriving in harsh conditions, and their milk is used for various dairy products, including butter, ghee, and ice cream. The average milk yield per day by Mehsana buffaloes generally lies between 15-20 litres. The cost of this buffalo ranges from Rs 30,000-40,000.
India offers a diverse range of cow and buffalo breeds renowned for their high-quality milk production. From the Holstein Friesians and Jerseys known for their consistent milk yields and excellent milk composition to the indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Murrah, and Mehsana that thrive in challenging climatic conditions, dairy farmers have numerous options to choose from based on their specific needs and preferences. By leveraging the unique traits of these breeds, the Indian dairy industry continues to flourish, meeting the growing demands for high-quality milk and dairy products