Insurance Foundation of India in association with the PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry will conduct a Seminar on “Livestock Insurance-Need of the Day" on 3rd February 2020, in Lakshmipat Singhania Auditorium, PHD House, New Delhi.
The importance of Livestock insurance in increasing thus this seminar would discuss on all the aspects pertaining to the Live Stock insurance in India.
Details of the Programme:
Venue, Date & Time:
Date: Mon, 3 Feb, 2020
Time: 02.00 PM to 06.00 PM
Venue: Lakshmipat Singhania Auditorium, PHD House, 4/2, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi- 110016

Eminent Dignitaries
Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, Hon’ble Minister of State Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Atul Chaturvedi, Secretary, Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
G. Srinivasan*, Director National Insurance Academy& formerly Chairman-cum-Managing Director, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
R. S. Sodhi*, Managing Director, GCMMF Ltd. (Amul)
KanhaiyaLal Swami*, IAS, Managing Director, Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited (RCDF), Jaipur
Banna Ram Meena, Chairman, Saras Dairy, Alwar
Ballaswamy, General Manager,New India assurance Company Ltd.
D. K. Aggarwal*, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Steward Doss, Faculty Member National Insurance Academy
Jitesh Khosla,Programme Director, Retd. IAS, Govt. of India
Dharmendra Kumar Sharma, Consultant Rural Insurance, Haryana State Government
Vinod Jain*, Chairman, BFSI Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
S. K. Sethi, Founder & CEO, Insurance Foundation of India

Points to be covered in the Seminar:
Livestock Risk – Should Insurance be mode mandatory?
Quality of animals can be improved with investment through loans
Investment & improvement of Veterinary infrastructure is needed in a big way to support the farmers
Product innovation needed in Insurance
What can we learn from other countries?
Availability of Cheaper, sufficient loans is essential for growth of this part of our economy.
Who Should Attend the Seminar (Target Participants)?-This is a good opportunity of management/ officials:
Owners of Cattle, Poultry Farms, Sheep Farms Goat and Pig farms
Development Officers working at District/ Tehsil level
Officials working in Departments of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry at national and state level
Managers and employees of insurance and Reinsurance companies
Banks/ NBFC/ Micro Finance institutions providing credit for purchase of livestock
Technology Companies working on claim settlement of Insurance
Students of Veterinary Colleges
Product/ Service providers connected with growth of this segment of our economy
Some Key Take Away for Various Stake Holders will be:
Understanding of the Needs of Farmers which will result in growth of dairy farming, fisheries, Poultry farming, bee keeping &silk worm production
Important Issues in Livestock Insurance
Availability of credit supported with Insurance can result in growth
Role of Technology in monitoring of Claims
For more details;
Mahender Soni
Mob. No. 7678689961
Insurance Foundation of India
Om Plaza (1st Floor), 430/7,
Sant Nagar, East of Kailash,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: - 011-46581577